File Browser support and feedback thread

That’s good to hear! :slight_smile:

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Now I worked on this.
In /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache there was for all video filetypes defined harbour-videoPlayer.desktop; except video/*=jolla-gallery.desktop;. So I changed this also to harbour-videoPlayer.desktop; like the rest.

Situation is now, that if opening a video file using Settings/Memory/SD-Card/Videos/VideoFileName.mp4, the phone asks me for opening with Gallery or LLs vPlayer. If I say LLs vPlayer, phone does so. Unfortunately no autostart of video but the rest works fine.
BUT: If doing the same using File Browser, phone asks me nothing but immediately starts with Gallery, no option to choose app, on the other hand, autostart works fine.
So i now amateurish assume, that Gallery is coded somewhere in File Browser as standard app for videos…
Can I change this to LLs vPlayer somewhere in the File Browser files?

Nice to see you’re making progress! Maybe there is something wrong in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache?

Unfortunately, that’s not something that could be changed through File Browser. The app simply tells the system “please open this file outside of this app”.

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There is no file

on my phone! Maybe this is the cause… How can I generate this file?

edit: Now I copied /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache to ~/.local/share/applications/ and tested again.
Now, on tapping on a .mp4 video file, the properties page appears as always. Tap on the icon and tap on the upper right dot still opens the video with Gallery, but in pulley menu there is option ‘open’. This gives me another option to choose open with Gallery or LLs vPlayer. Both work, Gallery with autostart and LLs vPlayer no autostart.
Wonderful would be to open with LLs vPlayer with autostart using tap on icon or right dot tap! Can this be changed by a tweak? How comes SFOS to open a .mp4 file to open with Gallery on right dot tap, but gives 2 options on pulley?

AND: I must confess I didn’t check the pulley open options before because I forgot about that!

I can only guess from my experience using file browser. The right dot open method seems to be a preview function, at least when it comes to text files. But there is no built in video player in file browser so it has to open the video file in another app but still in a faster way than using the pulley menu. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Again it’s just a guess from how I understand this by using file browser.


Thank you so much @ichthyosaurus for the update!
(also behavior on opening video files is better now and so I’m happy)

Your File Browser app is essential for me for using the SFOS phone!


I see we were talking about different things then :slight_smile: As @Pohli said, the “right dot” / swipe / tap on the app icon simply shows an internal preview in File Browser. There’s actually a very basic video player included so that it’s easier to quickly check what is in a video file.

Opening via the pulley menu “open” option is the only way to actually open files in a dedicated app.

I didn’t realize you were talking about the preview, and you didn’t realize I was talking about the pulley menu :smiley: . But I’m glad the pulley option works for you because I was getting worried there might a hard to find bug in my app.

It could but it takes quite a few changes. The relevant file is ´qml/pages/FilePage.qml´. Around line 101 is the pulley menu opening code. At line 169 is what happens when you click on the file icon.

It would also make the behavior inconsistent so I would prefer to keep it the way it currently is.


Thank’s for the hints @ichthyosaurus , so I will do some experiments and report later what’s the result (if there is one). File Browser is very fine and doesn’t really need improvements, so on my side it’s only curiosity and a little bit nerdishness. :wink:

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Is it possible to have this as startpage at app start?

Now it always start with the /home view

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it’s great to experiment! :slight_smile:

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Currently it’s not possible to start with the places view, but you can swipe to the settings page (twice from right to left) and configure the starting folder: in the section “Verhalten und Anzeige” you can select “Benutzerverzeichnis” (that’s your current setting, I suppose), “letzter Ordner”, and “benutzerdefinierter Pfad”.

Is there a reason that you need “Orte” as the starting page? You can always reach it by swiping…

It would be really fine to have a timeline in the embedded video player and an option to jump to a later or previous point in the video! At the moment it only toggles play/pause on tapping on the screen. I would jump for joy if we could have: tapping toggles between timeline and play/pause button visible/not visible, and timeline with video length display and option to jump to a point in the video. Similar to the view in LLs vPlayer, but without the previous + next button because this is not senseful in File Browser.

in the section “Verhalten und Anzeige” you can select “Benutzerverzeichnis” (that’s your current setting, I suppose), “letzter Ordner”, and “benutzerdefinierter Pfad”.

This is a good start for me

Is there a reason that you need “Orte” as the starting page? You can always reach it by swiping…

I like it to start from there, because of the design

But would you prefer to only see the the shortcuts page when the app is started, or to navigate to a folder and then have the app automatically switch to the places page?

Indeed, I’ve been thinking the same thing! Adding very simple controls to the video preview has been on my wishlist for a long time but I never actually got started on it. It’s a lot of work and I rarely use this feature anyway, so the need isn’t pressing for me. (Unless someone decides to fund me working on that, then I’d get it done quickly, I suppose.)


Maybe the Option to choose “Places” in Start-Folder-Config and then it starts there, if the implementation is not too hard to create.

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Nice, forgot about that.
So we have a builtin video and audio player, a text file and document viewer and an image viewer. Anything else?

+Texteditor, or did you mean it with textfile?

If you are in text preview (limited to 10kB), you can have a full text editor with no size limit via pull down menu.

well, plus all the advanced file management features :wink:

Exactly; that’s useful for quickly editing config files, for example. However, the text editor does have a maximum file size of 200 KiB. I just increased that to 2 MiB for the next release.

The text editor is not meant for properly writing text, but it can be useful for quick-and-dirty fixes in QML files, or updating config files, etc.