I suppose it’s due to bluetooth In SFOS In Xperia 10 V, that no info file is found In /var/lib/bluetooth/ when Amazfit Stratos 3 is paired with Amazfish App of Xperia 10 V.
Thus, I can not add Appearance=0x0192
In info file like In Refs. [1-2].
I found the server side pairing code (UUID, 32 characters long) from the log file of Zepp (in Android) by Windows 11 with command ‘adb logcat > full_log.txt’.
Pairing between Amazfish and Stratos 3 happens very slowly as early reported. I have now repeated that pairing several times with that server side pairing code.
Looking forward to SFOS 5 commercial update.
GitHub - piggz/harbour-amazfish: Amazfit Bip support for SailfishOS
Amazfish with GTR2.