Feedback on Jolla C2

Well, we could open a ticket at Jolla help desk, but I suggest we wait until Jolla crew tell us what to do. Maybe monday…
I’m pretty sure someone sees this.

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Jolla should probably stop shipping any further C2’s until they know what the problem is and how to fix it. It will be far cheaper for them, and a better experience for their customers, if they fix the product at source rather than have to deal with returns if that is later found to be necessary.

If these problems are widespread, and due to a serious/basic bug(s) in SFOS 5.0 and/or hardware adapdation of the Reeder phone, rather than an isolated fault in the production line process, then its likely that the C2 was released too early without proper testing.


Yes… but we usually call it QC (Quality Control). :wink:

Precisely. Patience is a virtue after all, and considering that changelogs for new release of 5.0 is out, image will be out in short order I’d imagine.

Considering there’s a mix of successful and unsuccessful setups, I’d say it was just an unlucky pick :slight_smile:


I may wait to play with mine until images are out, it’s just a bit disappointing reading all this issues after a pretty decent wait to try “Sailfish how is meant to be”.

We may end up with a pretty paperweight for some time.


First of i want to thank this forum for its active and helpfull user, now, i bought the jolla c2 becouse i had the original jolla and fell in love with the os, considered for a long time to get a xperia with sailfish but was “blessed” with the oppertunity to buy a phone straight from jolla. I get it its an beta mobilephone, HOWEVER, What i think is a minimum requirement for a mobile phone is being able to be mobile, i can either have calls, sms and no internet or internet and no sms or calls, this product should have been postponed. With saying all this i will be putting away my c2 becouse i cannot do any “real world” testing and posting my bug finds, i will however change back to the c2 as soon as these basic problems are solved, i really want to love this device it has so much potential and in my oppinion the best OS.


I’m sorry that some of you got “Monday Copy” :roll_eyes: but my experience is way better.

Phone had 60% of charge on arrival. It recognized SD from X10 at once.
I only had a few outgoing calls, one inbound SMS, a few web pages but I’m happy for now.
I successfully tested Bluetooth headset but it disconnected after a few minutes and I’ll probably have to reboot to reconnect.
So not rock solid stable but very usable :heart_eyes:.

There are many tests waiting but I’ll give it a go as a daily driver. Will report more.


I don’t think there will be any images from Jolla. Considering that I can’t get this thing into fast boot mode, I wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway.

I’m happy for you and the good experience you’ve had with the C2. Mine is on its way to Spain. Can you tell us the exact steps of your configuration?

Nothing special really. I used the same 5 number PIN as for X10 and SD worked right away.
I setup Prefer 4G but the calls were routed on 2G. No issues there.
I did install some native apps and both native Andy stores but didn’t try any due to lack of time. I’ll have more of that tomorrow.

I did noticed that after two boots I always need to disable and reenable SIM.

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Perhaps with a dedicated software on the PC?

Maybe! I know Jolla did it few times on JP and JC.

So far so good. Tried updating C2 last night but ended up with problem(s).
Downloaded update and initiated update process. Phone booted and update started fine, until I got a message.
It says something like: Sailfish OS cannot be updated. Try again later and a Reboot button down below.

C2 rebooted normally.
I went to settings and selected Sailfish OS updates again. Just when the update window appears, there flashes an error message. The message disappears so fast that I needed take a video in order to see what the message is about :smile:
The message says: Update requires -1 free space. Current free space 0 t.
Then there is link to a guide how to free disk space. Too bad I can’t click the link and see how to free the disk space :roll_eyes:

Here’s my free disk space.

I tried using Jolla Utililties → Refresh application db in order to flush out unnecessary packets and free more empty space.

That did not help. But it made Jolla shop lost count what app’s I have got installed. Jolla shop shows now 0 app installed… and when I try to uninstall app from the app grid, the apps just won’t uninstall!

So far I have installed about 20 apps and cannot figure out what has eaten disk space so fast, that there is not enough room for an update to run.

Would have liked to press Factory reset button… but it seems there is none :upside_down_face:

… but anyway, I am quite happy with the camera so far. Finally a camera that focuses correctly as Xperia XCompact had a very bad camera focus

P.S. Jollyboys: Video recording crashes the camera app in (Tampella).

If someone knows intimately how to clean Jolla packet cache or how to free disk space with command line, please give me a hint.

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It seems the predictive text input is not available yet from Jolla store? I do not have it nor see it.


After few hours of fiddling with the phone, I noticed there are few things that needs solving.

  • Round corners in the display causes problems on several places in the OS.
  • Camera notch causes prolems with Web-browser when browsing in landscape mode (same with the round corners)
  • Some apps keeps freezing, usually it’s the Jolla store or some other app that is using data connection.
  • The phone is somewhat slow, comparing with Sony Xperia 10 III
  • OS itself does not take use of the wider display, like number input or other input could use bigger/wider buttons

Hardware is pretty low quality.

  • Display low resolution, backlight leaks very badly, viewing angles bad
  • Slow CPU
  • Very heavy phone
  • Protective casing has sharp corners, molding defects, covers the display edges so it’s hard to swipe from left or right. Pretty useless IMHO.

Is SFOS on C2 a castrated version?
edit: or is this only because it’s an unfinished beta version and will it get full functionality later?

I don’t believe its meant to be castrated. Its almost certainly an unfinished product, probably released before it was robust enough, and requiring many fixes and updates in the future to get it to ‘Sailfish OS as its meant to be’.

In my experience its always better to undersell and overdeliver, rather than to oversell and underdeliver.

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Sadly, I think this phrase, ‘Sailfish OS as its meant to be’, will come back to haunt Jolla.

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It seems at least a number of C2s are being shipped to customers whilst powered up. If shipping involves air freight then this is a complete no-no and against international air freight regulations due to the fire risk. All devices must be powered down before shipping (perhaps something for @Jolla to look into).

However, that aside, this may mean that some C2 batteries are near empty when the customer receives their phone and starts to set it up. Perhaps, because these phones are then shutting down, maybe not cleanly, during this process (e.g. The encryption process), this could be the cause of bricked phones?

Maybe all C2 customers, when receiving their phones, should put then on charge for a few hours before first trying to use them?