Feedback on Jolla C2

FYI for anyone receiving C2 in upcoming days/hours, Jolla posted first-time instruction based on the feedback from this thread: Jolla C2 first time use instructions


Here’s my feedback: I received the phone already last Thursday but didn’t have much time to test it in very detail.
Generally, I have a relatively positive experience. Especially it came as very nicely packaged phone, similar to the C1 and I received it with about 50% charge.
The build quality is amazing from the lock and feel, it feels perhaps better than the Xperia’s and to my opinion even better compared to the Samsungs S20/23, I had to use from work. What I miss is the notification LED and fingerprint reader but we knew it was left out in the C2. The Privacy from Finland text near the camera side is barely visible but I guess laser engravings are challenging, so when you look very closely you can read it. The tiny loudspeaker is far away from Samsung build quality but it’s okay. Very positive is that C2 allows two SIM cards and one mircoSD in parallel, also there is a 3.5-headphone jack which I appreciate.
The silicone cover and screen guard protector are great and attaching those were easy thanks for those! When attaching the cover one needs to take care that the three camera wholes are actually placed in correctly to avoid collecting dust.
To SailfishOS 5:

  1. No issues when setting up and first time starting the phone.
  2. C2 recognized both SIM cards and my old LUKS encrypted microSD.
  3. Restored all data from Xperia 10 plus backup.
  4. Enabled Android app support, however sometimes Android app-support crashed while using an Android app.
    I managed to install some SFOS and Android apps, noticed also that F-Droid and Aurora didn’t show up when installing them via Jolla store. After reading this thread, I proceeded to update to (around 600 MB of size) which went fine but I couldn’t spot any improvements. I don’t know if the „not showing up Android apps from Jolla store was fixed” but probably it was.
    The more serious issue for 4G calling still persists. CSD testing shows a failure for SIM testing (invalid card identifier) but that’s the only error I noticed in CSD. For me this means that for my Telia (FI), SIM calling works, call receiving not in 4G network but in 2G; my second Vodaphone (DE) SIM both works here despite being in roaming network. This is interesting but was already reported here. Swapping SIMs didn’t change anything.
    Camara picture taking works well, video not at all and camera freezes. I installed Aperture and Open Camera Android apps and image quality as well as video recording works great. The keyboard has no text prediction. This section is missing entirely in comparison to SFOS 4.6.x. I would like to know why.
    Some important apps like Chum repo are installable but doesn’t appear on app grid, MeeCast, PureMaps, MicroTube, … not installable which is sad. However MeeCast can be installed from JollaStore but there is an issue that it doesn’t save the location. Some adaptation might be needed for C2. I’d like to get MeeCast also into the events but this trick that worked on my Xperia’s doesn’t work on C2.
    Bluetooth pairing, audio and sharing works well. I don’t know about BLE as I have no device to test it. Initial GPS connection I got very fast using high accuracy. This seems a lot quicker than compared to the Xperias. Internet sharing works also nicely and as well the switch between networks. So far, I have not noticed an issue connecting to 2.4 or 5 GHz Wifi networks. Also, from those few days of playing around I noticed that battery life is excellent even though I wasn’t able to install SystemDataScope yet.
    To sum up, mostly I’m impressed considering what a great job Jollyboys managed to achieved. I guess we know that things aren’t perfect out of the box and Jolla isn’t Samsung nor Apple thus we haven’t paid our money to the golden cage gatekeepers. We voted for privacy and common community approach. I hope the glitches regarding 4G calling, video recording and predictive text input could be fixed soon. I feel sorry for the ones that had received their C2s discharged and with encryption issue.
    If I have more time for testing, I’ll be happy to report more.

Glad I use a community port for a phone that costed me 80 euros and not one that came bricked in the box. :sweat_smile:

In all seriousness this is very unfortunate to see, it’s a very midrange phone being sold to the community for a high price. Not the predecessor to the Jolla C that our community deserves, but I hope people who bought them and found them bricked will be able to get them fixed easily.

I remember hearing users having to send their Jolla Phone back to get reflashed if it was found to be bricked. I hope that won’t be the case again.


Could you please try to enter 00000 (5 zeros) as that’s the default encryption password that will be changed as a first step of the Startup Wizard. This 00000 is not visible anywhere in the user interface.


I have tried this code (00000) as I’m in the same situation - did not work. It says “Incorrect security code”.


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
:sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Goa Goa MPU ja?

(20 chars)

(20 characters 20 characters)

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Compared to the J1 and C1 models the C2 is a huge leap forwards into getting serious phone hardware to the community. Yes, you can put the SailfishOS to some Volla phone and the like and save a few bucks, but in the end C2 is an investment into the future of SailfishOS and JollyBoys as a company. This is how I’ve seen my venture into supporting them. I want them to survive as company and have a choice of freedom not bound to either Apple or Google. I’ve trusted them since J1 and know that our dear sailors will work their ass off to get things right. They are a small company and it’s amazing what they had and for sure will deliver once the major issues of C2 are ironed out.


Everything successful so far:

  1. Connected the device (was turned off) to a charger and let it load up to 76 % before powering it on
  2. Ran the wizard (5 digit PIN code) and connected WLAN and my Jolla account successfully
  3. Downloaded the upgrade and installed it successfully

I did no further tests as my time is limitied this week, but will do this on the weekend. The only thing I recognized so far is that I cannot enable the development mode.


Exactly Same problem here i really hope there’s a fix

To completely honest I don’t see any other option besides returning the device back.

Since we can’t enter the flash mode, enable developer mode, ssh or anything else the device is essentially locked out. If there is some other way of “getting in” then I suppose that would be quite a massive backdoor and security vulnerability - which kinda gets agains the whole “SFOS secure and private OS” motto.

I really do hope there is an option that can bring this device to life from the comfort of my home because returning device means also paying for shipping, and that really turns me off from the whole thing.

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Could it be possible to flash the phone with the Reeder android image and then Jolla releasing the flash tool to go back to Sailfish? Sort of to make sure the device is not defective and the hardware is all fine?

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Same result for me. Device gets stuck only with correct code.

This is the point : if you could break-in at that point, without having to mess at the hardware level, it’d be a security design flaw.

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If there is a fault with the device such that it has to be returned to Jolla, then they should be bearing the costs of shipping back the old device and shipping the replacement device, including paying any sales, VAT or import duty. Basically you should not be out of pocket due to a fault in a supplied product.

i have the same issue…

For me with ‘prefer 4G’ only outgoing calls and icoming sms work, on 3(.5)G both work both ways

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endless loop on correct code…

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I am having the same issue .
Did not have the option yo connect to internet,wifi not working and data sim not working.