Fahrplan thread

Sweden vasttrafik.se backend also not working.


The DB backend in MultiModal does indeed use the current API, including authentication. The issue here is that they nuked my entire account. :woozy_face:

Good thing I prepared for such an event and created two accounts a few years ago. :slightly_smiling_face:

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MultiModal version 0.98 should fix this issue.


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Heh! I just added my bahnid account with a temporary release (0.96-2) to chum :slight_smile: And here I go again :slight_smile:

Edit: A current version of multimodal to cover the German traveling population is now on chum:testing and should make chum proper soonish.

Did you make any other changes other than client id stuff?

does resrobot still work?



No, I’ve only changed the client ID.
The jump in the version number is due to me experimenting with https://transitous.org/ in version 0.97, so I had to skip that one. :slightly_smiling_face:

To answer myself, I can get to Sthlm central via HÄRNÖSAND in ab out 19 hours :slight_smile: EDIT (from Gothenburg:)


Cool. Then I’ll adapt your versioning and try to get automated builds on github running while I’m at it.

I think I’ll adapt your approach to using a scraped stations db for fahrplan. You’ve done all the heavy lifting :slight_smile:

This new service seems very promising:

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It’s unnecessary expensive and stupid to go to Sthlm central via HÄRNÖSAND, from Gothenburg :wink:

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Transitous can also be used for scraping IDs. For example, this link lists all the stops around Alexanderplatz:

The IDs are probably not fully compatible with the Bahn API, but I believe you only need to remove the prefix for them to work.

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Ok, they seem to have changed the api host name and it may be that the old xml version of output is retired. Sigh. At least resrobot works.

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It looks like ktrip which is one that @piggz or @rinigus built with the 5.15 qt libs on chum also uses transitous. I had thought of updating fahrplan with the ktrip approach, but I hate, hate the code (c++ written by people who don’t understand the use of namespaces).

So, for any german users, ktrip is available from chum if you hadn’t already seen it. EDIT. Damn it, the version of ktrip in chum does NOT work for Berlin at least. Not sure why.

I can’t find Transitous anywhere on the list, and the UK provider listed doesn’t work. The whole idea behind Transitous, if I understand it correctly, is to have “one API to rule them all”, eliminating the need to support dozens of APIs like KTrip does.

Yes, it looks like the ktrip version in chum is badly out of date :frowning: I just checked the api docs and MOTIS and it’s looking very promising. The newer versions of ktrip (and kiternry) do in fact use transitious we just have an older (much) version in place.

So I’ve bumped to 0.98 and automated builds work on github. I’m going to keep the client id from my install to distribute the weight :slight_smile: Release 0.98 · poetaster/harbour-multimodal · GitHub and coming to chum if you don’t already have it from openrepos

Maybe we could team up on developing a prototype on top of transitous. It really does look like a better approach than trying to cover yet another api. I just did a number of quick tests and the coverage is pretty impressive. Even if London’s first hit is in Canada :wink:

That would be great!
Transitious covers the metro stations in here, unlike bahn.de, so I could finally use a single app rather than an app and a really clunky website at the same time! :smiley: