Fahrplan thread

I’ve just implemented a new 9292ov.nl backend for Fahrplan and repaired the oebb.at backend.
2.0.36 is on openrepos and coming to chum.

Some backends, such as the sbb.ch, require a complete rewrite. I’d like to canvas some feedback about which backends have users.

Also, my plan is to release with the calendar integration, but have yet to test it. If someone has time for that, I’ll produce a pre-release.


Chalk one up for Resrobot.se. Working fine :slight_smile:
Maybe add a poll?

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Motivate to test the calendar integration.

I’ll take a look what differ between bahn.de and sbb.ch. It’s perhaps not worth to fix it.

Resrobot is the example I’m going to use to re-write the 9292ov backend. That one, which is a hack-about from a half finished PR on smurfy’s repo is a stop gap. And got me familiarized with how not to abuse the model :wink:


Ok, I’ll try a pre-release with calendar integration. Now. But the dutch and oebb.at backends are available with:
Fahrplan (fork) | OpenRepos.net — Community Repository System 2.0.36 (coming on chum).

EDIT: maybe someone here knows if the old library configs:

    PKGCONFIG += libmkcal-qt5 libkcalcoren-qt5

can be satisfied with


Fixed EFA backend (minor) and updated some providers. Backends now working with 2.0.37:

  • Germany (bahn.de) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Germany, Munich (mvv-muenchen.de)
  • Austria (oebb.at) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Netherlands / Belgium (9292ov.nl) - still somewhat buggy
  • Sweden (vasttrafik.se) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Sweden (resrobot.se)
  • Ireland (transportforireland.ie) - supports via station.
  • Australia, Sydney (transportnsw.info) - supports via station.
  • Finland (Matka.fi)

Salzburg and San Francisco may be doable.


If you want to include Norway in your application Entur has overview of all public transport.

https://developer.entur.org and https://sdk.entur.org

There was an application called Rutefisk whitch i guess has been abandoned.

Hello, your application is very useful and I used it with pleasure until there was this problem with the sbb.ch database. So if you can modify the application to be connected with sbb.ch, it would be nice of you :slight_smile:

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Ah, Entur, like San Francisco (! 511.org) and many others are using or migating to NeTEx, which I think just subsumes the old Hafas implementation of … some standard. In any case: https://enturas.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUBLIC/pages/728891481/Nordic+NeTEx+Profile suggests this profile is nordic and ‘aims to be fully compliant with the European NeTEx profile’. That sounds promising.

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sbb.ch uses completely new rest apis. I’m looking at them to see if they have overlap with, for instance, the other European NeTEx implementations. Haven’t gotten that far.

Thank you for your answer. I hope it will not be too difficult to use these new apis.

They ARE really well document :wink: Explore — SBB

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Thank you very much, it’s a very useful and comfortable app!

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that would be great.

Thanks for this nice Gem! It´s working perfectly here in Western-Germany (Northrhine-Westfalia) around the Münster City Area.

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And certainly also in Berlin on the way to Senefelder Platz. :wink:

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Me and my wife use it daily (in munich) and like it a lot. Seems the Calender function got lost along the way. Any chance of it making a comeback?

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There is, but libraries have moved about a bit since 2014/15 … so it’ll take some time. My priority was to get backends going …

Ok, this is a long shot, but … I set up the build file in a way I can’t currently test against my build targets, BUT obs can. So, I have a build


that might just do the trick. It ‘should’ have calendar add. BUT, only up to, I believe. Thereafter I think the libraries are not available but the new ones.

EDIT: Just had a confirmation and tested myself. The obs build will only work till I’m working on the work-a-round.


@dcaliste (his work, of course!) reports that https://github.com/poetaster/fahrplan/blob/SFOS4 works fine for him on 4.4

My tests with the volla, 4.3 and 4.4 both segfault. But maybe you can take a peak?