I will put somethng together
If you want to explore look here: Show home:lbt:apps / harbour-dice - SailfishOS Open Build Service
You’ll need a git repo that contains an rpm/ dir and your source. SDK stuff should work fine
Login and you will have a home project (link at the top right of the obs pages)
Edit the Advanced/Meta and add entries just like mine:
Go to the Users ‘tab’ and add ‘cibot’ as a maintainer so she’ll be able to update your src when a git tag happens.
Then create a package with your app name (there’s a link)
Create a file called _service locally and upload it to that package
I made one like this: (edit to make xml visible!)
<service name="webhook">
<param name="repourl">https://github.com/lbt/harbour-roll.git</param>
<param name="branch">harbour-dice</param>
Note that the OBS will update that file and add another section to it
That’s it.
Now if you add https://webhook.sailfishos.org/webhook/ to your github/lab webhook setup : https://github.com/lbt/harbour-roll/settings/hooks then whenever you tag on the branch in the webhook it will build
Click on repositories in the OBS and “go to download repository” and you’ll see your rpms and the repodata etc
Quick and dirty because I’m off to a BBQ so more later
(harbour-dice is my pure openGL/physics dice simulator btw)