Can't edit old posts

Would you then think of raising the limit for TL1 to e.g. 15 so we will have the chance to ‘administrate’ our own posts as long as we get to TL2?
And for TL2 I agree to @attah that a limit does not make sense at all. So?

– hijack
Same seems to have happened to me. And I would like to continue with that. How to?
Or converting to a wiki post?

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I think people should edit their OPs sparingly; not do it because that was the way askbot worked.

I’m not sure, but I don’t think there’s a way of notifying a user that the OP of a post they’re watching has been edited. (Unlike askbot where the question floats to the top.) If I’m right, it would be sensible to add a post, in the case of a non-minor edit, saying what’s been changed and maybe linking back to it.

It should float up to the top of latest as well, or?

And sure, notifying via a new post at the end makes sense (since TMO times, vBulletin).
But I do need/want to edit one place (the OP) to not clutter info along the topic…

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If you want, I can convert your post to a wiki as well

That is not my rationale for asking for this change.
Sparingly is not never.
I want to do it in the style of many other forums, for example xda-developers with their ROM releases, so that new users coming to a discussion can get up-to-date and concise information despite the thread having grown to many thousand posts.


Absolutely agree to @attah.
A wiki post is another example, a FAQ, a collective post for suggestions, opinions, etc. which should all go to one post (the OP).
Or adding a link to the solution post. As discussion will go on and you cannot find the one post directly. I hate to have to search for a solution all through the thread.

Sorry for the offtopic here:
@vige, yes please do so if there is no other way.
(converting/creating a wiki post is only allowed from TL3 onwards? :eek:, so we will bother you a lot then :slight_smile: )

It sounds like there’s a disconnect between the abilities of trust levels, the edit expiration time, and length of time required to obtain trust level 2 (which gives you the right to create your own wiki post). I’d recommend that either trust level 1 users are able to make wiki posts, or (less desirably) that the number of days that a trust level 1 user can edit a post be extended.

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And it is even worse.

Make their own posts wiki (that is, editable by any TL1+ users)

This sentence is under the TL3 section.

So now that i’m TL2… do i dare start editing, or will i just have added more information that can go out of date if i do so?

I do not know. I am sure you followed my discussion with @DaveRo
I believe there are lots of valid reasons to edit old posts whereas Dave likes more the re-post way (to which I agree partly).
I think you need to make the decision on your own and act reasonable.

But do it fast as early post may soon go out of that 15d grace period.

You misunderstand me. I wasn’t asking for people’s opinions on the matter, i have heard and respect them. However i stand firm in my desire to keep concise and up-to-date information somewhere, only new posts doesn’t cut it.

The problem is that I don’t want to edit if i have to rely on the 30-day grace period for further edits. If i start filling it up with info that will be written in stone after a few weeks, it is completely contrary to what i wanted to achieve (wrt up-to-date information). So if that would be the case, and there are no plans to change it, we need to explore other avenues of keeping concise information up to date. Either on or off platform.

So until we have a conclusion, i guess i should hold off on it.

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Got it.
So you should ping @vige (and/or @jollaadmin) for an answer?

I am all in for the drop-the-edit-limit and set it to eternity.


Agreed, not even sure what TL2 is but people should be able to edit their own posts as much as they like, on top of that there seems to be a very robust ‘edit history’ in these forums which I hope to include as an option at some point (webview probably), so it’s easy to catch spammers if that is the worry(?)


I am now able to convert my OPs into wikis. But this TL3 is a volatile level and I may loose it again. And I cannot convert other user’s posts.

But other cannot and that

is what arises out of that…


While I understand the motivation of the functionality it’s quite frustrating for people at the “basic user” TL. It’s a shame that Discourse doesn’t differentiate between TL0 and TL1 in the settings for this.

Right now I want to edit my post to add a poll.

I think I have reached all the TL2 criteria apart from this:

“Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially”

The sequential statement worries me: I am reading this forum daily. Does that mean I’m never going to reach the requirement or does it mean I just need to open new browser sessions over the course of 15 days?! Either way I now have to twiddle my thumbs for 4 days to see what happens.

Oh no, you misunderstood it. It means that you don’t have to visit on 15 sequential days. But you can.

Phew, that’s good. A bit of weird way to phrase that IMO, most people wouldn’t assume the requirement to be sequential unless it was qualified as such e.g. “15 days in a row.”.

Anyway, I shall patiently wait 4 days and then add my poll :slight_smile:

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I’ve waited it out but still seem to be at TL1 “basic user”. Based on the Discourse docs I think I should be at TL2 “trusted user” now right?

The TL2 criterion “Members keep coming back to your community over a series of weeks” makes me wonder if visiting for 15 consecutive days is ,in fact ,enough.
The page seems to give an imprecise definition here. Doesn’t help get your poll going , but maybe a lead for searching on Discourse site ?