Yes, the current upload of Patchmanager 3.2.6 at Openrepos may not support SailfishOS 4.5.0, because it is compiled for SailfishOS 4.0.1. Edit: The reason was a change in SailfishOS from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0.
Unfortunately noone has reported here if Patchmanager 3.2.6 compiled for SailfishOS 4.4.0 from the SailfishOS:Chum community repository works.
- If it does, I will try to release Patchmanager 3.2.7 (which is in the works) at OpenRepos this weekend (Edit: done). That should work on SailfishOS 4.5.0.
- If it does not, please file an issue report at GitHub.
I do need a confirmation of either case. Edit: Done by Ahtisilli.
P.S.: Mind that SailfishOS 4.5.0 is in the EA phase, many programs may fail to install or run, and developers cannot compile anything for SailfishOS 4.5.0, yet.