Bluetooth Support in Android

Because Jolla’s focus is on supporting Android apps.


I read the Jolla documentation and they were bigging up their Android support, so I assumed that would include Bluetooth. There was no mention that Android support did not include Bluetooth support .

This thread seems to already have been running for two years. Proper Bluetooth support may well be added at some point, but who knows when


Until some years the Bluetooth-Audio-Only-Support in Android-Support was enough for the most cases.
But with increasing Products that require Bluetooth-Auth and/or Connection (Public rent Scooter & Bicycle, Dashcams, DHL Packstation…etc) it becomes more and more important.

Waydroid doesn´t support it also, so the Problem might be the missing Link/Bridge between it.

If Jolla focus on their Cashcow Car-Dashboard-Support for Android-Apps maybe that functionality isn´t needed there, this is just my guess!

I hope i’m wrong with my opinion and we can profit from a further development in full BT-Support for Android-Apps and hopefully a stand-alone-solution for Android-Support in SFOS-Ports.


I remember someone wondered if it could be possible to have the bluetooth switched from Sailfish to the Android side. This would be enough for me even if it required a reboot as I rarely use bluetooth audio. It would make so many things possible that are impossible now…


Bluetooth ist für mich sehr wichtig da ich mein gerät zum arbeiten brauche. wenn jolla/Sailfish nicht bald eine Möglichkeit bringt Bluetooth unter Android zu nutzen muss ich auf Android ausweichen.
es wäre auch sinnvoll wenn man in sailfish os z.b Bluetooth ausschalten könnte und das es dafür in Android aktiviert werden könnte. auf für Wlan wär es sinnvoller sailfish und Android zu trennen.


Translation server error.

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A lot of people are fed up with Jolla and are thinking to switch. Unfortunately, Android is not an option for many.

Deutsch: Viele Leute haben die Nase voll und denken darüber nach, zu wechseln. Leider ist Android für viele keine Option.


I’ve been with Jolla since day one. I also had 2 Jolla phones, was absolutely thrilled, then the “Xperia X” came along, absolutely great, no problems, ran very stable and reliable. Problem Android 4.4 end
reminded me a lot of the reliable Nokia cell phones.
then since switching to the newer xperia, I had all xperia cell phones that are supported by sailfish. none of them ran really smoothly.
Always problems with reception, then problems with the voice quality, then the camera takes very slow recordings and sometimes even crashes.
and now the bluetooth android problem. weather app dead. here maps new version without language. MMS down RCS alternative is missing from sailfish. Battery consumption on Android phone ran for about 5 days on sailfish for 2 days. One advantage of sailfish is that the operation is fundamentally better in every app.


I cant speak English. I come from Switzerland and can speak German quite well :wink:

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Here is a German thread:
Hier ist ein Deuches (I do not know the word for thread in german)

That’s easy: Thread.


You can also say Thema


Sometimes Bluetooth is also necessary for setting up an PV inverter like

This inverter also has a homeassistant integration, so I think this fits the SailfishOS-geek community here: APsystems - Home Assistant

Currently, I can not set up this integration because I only have my SailfishOS Xperia 10 III at hand., which is a pity…


Something requiring a proprietary app for setup is quite obviously a bad fit - regardless of Bluetooth.


The main problem is that the kernel is not handling the namespace for bt devices in the same way as for network devices.

As long as no kernel modification will be done no bt functions to alien dalvik will be possible.

So all your discussions about this topic with jolla are useless until the kernel will be modified.


Agreed; there should literally be laws against that sort of thing.


not really. they can modify kernel themselves and build a lkm.

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The referenced LXD related discussion on problems with bluetooth within container is about seven years old. Maybe the related defitiencies within the linux kernel have been modernized by now?
Anyway. In the LXD issue tracker this issue was closed in may 2017 and a reasonable workaround was pointed out that makes use of libusb’s userlevel bluetooth stack in conjunction with the usb device type.
So maybe there could be a comparable solution in our case with alien dalvik? Having to plug a USB BT dongle into the phones USB-C in order to rent e-scooters or set up solar inverters surely would be a no issue at all. It would indeed remove one of the bigger pain points :slight_smile:


This will be a showstopper for me for using Jolla and I would have to say goodbye to Sailfish, even though I have been there from the very beginning.

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There is a patch which was not merged: