Bancoposta and poste italiane apps

Ma non serve avere il lettore NFC funzionante per autenticarsi con CIE? Vedi per esempio qui. E l’emulatore Android di Sailfish non lo supporta, quindi ciccia.

Io nemmeno, ho lo spid delle poste, ma qualcuno su jolla italia è passato a sielte, e afferma funzioni benissimo…

Puoi usare SMS (tentativi illimitati) come secondo fattore di autenticazione, e’ quello che volevo intendere prima.

Nice to know. At the moment BancoPoste e Postepay do not work because cannot read the QRcodes. Both are using the QRcode reading library from Google Play Services.

Can you explain which is the right way to install MicroG, please? I have installed MicroG from F-Droid market the full suite¹.

¹ Download - microG Project

The QR scan works for me. Open the microG settings app and under Self-check every item should be ticked…long press and then accept the request for permission. When that’s done and Fake Store is installed everything should work. The version of Fake Store on Fdroid is I think out of date, try here Download - microG Project

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I do not think that it is outdate my installation because I used that repo to feed F-Droid. However, confronting the version, I realised that I have installed the preview version not the stable one.

I have updated the Google Play Services and possibly this broken something. Which is the original version for Android 11?

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On latest, anyone got Intesa San Paolo app working? Mine from Appgallery crashes after the login :frowning:

Should we open a single thread for dealing with Italy-related apps in general? There’s also Io, Fineco, other SPID providers, etc.

I can’t get Bitmobility to work, for instance, and I would like to ask about it.

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I guess so. We shall open a thread for that. Don’t use that app, cannot say.

Done! Pizza, Jolla e Mandolino: the Italy-related Android apps thread - #2 by fph

uh, they are actually working for me (never tried the qr code but everything else work), on the contrary poste id does not work…

no microg installed by the way…

Ho appena installato l’app di Aruba per la firma digitale, e si avvia anche senza servizi google

Poi non ne ho avuto bisogno e non l’ho usata quindi non sono andato avanti, però arriva tranquillamente al menu senza lamentarsi di servizi mancanti vari…