Alternative web browsers for Sailfish OS 4.5+

In the latest Sailfish OS 4.5.0 there is a built-in web browser based on ancient Firefox 78, scoring only 496 points in HTML5Test. What are the current up-to-date alternatives to it?

One option is to use one of Android web browsers, such as: Fennec, Mull, FOSS Browser, Privacy Browser, but it requires a paid Sailfish OS account and adds some overhead of the Android Support layer.

Another option is to use WebCat or WebPirate from, but they are based on an outdated Qt Web Engine and they seem to be discontinued (last updated >2 years ago). They also require some ancient libopenssl libraries no longer available in SFOS 4.5.

So is there a modern native web browser for Sailfish OS 4.5+? Or could anybody fork the stock browser and update the Gecko engine to the latest version?

The lack of a modern and secure web browser in the world of ever-growing Progressive Web Apps is a big inadequacy and shortcoming for new users. I am also using Ubuntu Touch, where the stock Morph Browser is being continuously updated.

Thank you!

Please take note of this thread:


@Flypig is working on a newer version, take a look here:

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You make it sound like paying for things you use is somehow a bad thing…


No, it’s not. But as I mentioned above, Ubuntu Touch provides a modern web browser out-of-the-box for free. Why would such a basic app need to be paid? I have no problem in paying for extra features like the Android app support or cloud storage, but no other mobile OS-es are paid for essentials (be it Android, iOS, UT, PostmarketOS).

So first you say it is not bad; and then you complain about it?
As mentioned; it is also being worked on.

Turns out this is an even worse argument/metric than i thought.
496/555 is actually a good score. Most of what is “missing” doesn’t seem very interesting/relevant.
Firefox 118 on my desktop scores 485.

These you do pay for. Both upfront and by being advertised to etc.


There’s Angelfish in Chum


hmm… With latest ESR (115.3.1) on desktop, I score 512. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thanks, I didn’t know about Angelfish. I’ve just installed it using Chum GUI and it looks modern, it is based on Qt WebEngine 5.15.14 scores 516 points in HTML5Test.

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Well, using the Android support and Vivaldi the score is 518, but Html5Test is outdated, it have not been updated since 2018. GitHub - WebPlatformTest/HTML5test: How well does your browser support HTML5?

A nice fork is here, I get 528 using stock browser and 571 with Vivaldi.

Use: instead.


These Benchmark-Scores are sound and smoke. The daily usage makes the difference. Even with old ESR78 the Jolla-Browser stills performs good.


Not only HTML5Test. I’ve tested both browsers in AnTuTu HTML5 Benchmark and the stock browser scores 5314 points, whereas Angelfish scores 8433 points.

In Chum-Gui I didn’t find Angelfish, maybe it’s not available for aarch64?

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It is! Look again! It’s called Angelfish Web Browser.
You might need to first install Qt Runner, to see it.

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Installed Qt Runner, rebooted Chum and updated the repository. Unfortunately, the search for Angelfish does not give anything.

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Any modern browser is a humongous piece of software. Developing and upkeeping such a code base is an anormous effort. If we do not pay for this, we will be billed otherwise on our privacy, security and life choices. I would be eager to pay for a decent desktop browser.


See this video tutorial on how to install Angelfish using Chum GUI.

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Not necessarily, see: Morph Browser in Ubuntu Touch, Iceraven in Android, Angelfish in KDE Plasma, Epiphany in GNOME Mobile - all FOSS.

I find Morph on UT to be beyond basic to be kind of annoying to use. Been awhile since I used Sailfish, but the browser was way better when I last did. I mean Morph cant even save password and login info.

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Thanks, but I have nothing to install.
After reinstalling sailfishos-chum-gui, Angelfish did not appear.

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