Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

I don’t really know what you want or expect, but would you prefer Jolla take someone off active development and ask them to spend their time on communications? Do you want everyone to work 24hrs a day?
I certainly wouldn’t and don’t.
I didn’t intend to start an argument, I just strongly feel applying pressure on people to work more and more is unreasonable,


Can you read? Clearly not. I wrote in simple English that:

Which parts of the above sentences are incomprehensible for you?

Who told you that all Jolla employees are solely developers and that there are no employees responsible for communication? Once again, are these your own assumptions?

What does this idiotic question have to do with an expectation that they would post a single line of information once every week or two, which would take something like 1 minute to write and submit? Are you suggesting that they already work 23 hours and 59 minutes a day, and spending that additional 1 minute would make it 24 hrs a day? Amusing.

The only problem is that you are responding to posts you haven’t even read and correctly understood. Because in my comment there was NO SINGLE WORD related to things you are saying. You are arguing with yourself.


This is one of my complaints too. To trust SFOS as my primary device, I am willing to make many compromises. But at the very least I need i) one modern device that is well maintained and easy to purchase; ii) a modern browser; iii) reliable chat and voicecalls on some major protocol; iv) maps and offline navigation.

iv) is pretty good right now. ii) and iii) are fine if one uses the Android layer, which is ugly. It’s sad the N9 achieved these natively and with great elegance >10 years ago. Maintaining a web browser is a gargantuan task. I think Jolla should simply port Firefox and just do a minimal job to keep it up to date. i) is pretty unstable and that makes me nervous.

It’s hard to build a community without these cornerstones, hardware and super basic software.


I second the idea with a solid browser :

BlackBerry OS10 was very usable in 2013 because they had a excellent browser that compensated much of the lacking app landscape.

In my view a solid browser would make switching to Sailfish OS as primary without relying on Android support much more convincing


Jolla haven’t had (active) community manager since 2019(?), and they seemed to be running pretty much on minimal crew even few years before the reorganization, and I assume they have even less staff left now. If the management and developers feel like their time and skills are better used doing the actual work than wrinting diaries about what they have done this week, then let them focus on the current task at hand, and maybe some day they can afford to hire a community manager again to answer the questions of the community at least part time in addition to other tasks.


Long story short:

  • I didn’t ever say a single word about your imaginary “writing diaries about what they have done this week”. What I really wrote was that they should periodically post a single line of information about 10 IV / V support progress, whose availability they announced in mid May as to be released in 1-2 months, based on which many people spent hard earned 300-400€ on buying those phones, so they really deserve being informed. NOT ANY LESS than those who preordered the C2 or Mind2.

  • I didn’t say that they have a dedicated community manager. I wrote that there are employees who handle communication on the forums (quite possibly in addition to other duties), of which e.g. rainemak is a good example.

  • Saying that posting such a single line of information (say: “We currently expect that it will take further 3-4 weeks to release the 10 IV / V images”), i.e. around 1-2 minutes of work, by a person who regularly communicates with the community on behalf of Jolla on the forums, anyway, would “prevent Jolla management and developers from focusing on their jobs” is ridiculous.

Please stop twisting my words, and arguing not with what I really ever said, but with your own imaginaries. Either we talk in a reasonable manner and only in relation to what the other person REALLY said, or let’s not waste time with such a senseless prattle and allegations of BOGUS statements.

Thank you in advance.


Oh, and one more thing:

That’s REALLY bad (if true), considering that it was mid 2018 when Rostelecom joined, so 2019-2020 must have been among their fattest years.


I agree 100%, a solid modern browser is key for the longlivety of a mobile phone. I used BB10 until very recently, like 2023. What forced me to change was the speed of the CPU and the browser couldn’t keep up with modern home pages.

If a phone can browse the internet like a normal PC, then it is surely useful regardless of app support.

Android app support is not that important for me as I usually always use the web service if there is any before the app. For Android apps I have an Android burner phone if necessary. Android app support is nice but not a game changer for me.


Yes, a modern browser should be the cornerstone of any mobile OS. My N9 was incredibly useful for many years after it was abandoned by Nokia because a fresh Firefox Mobile was available at OpenRepos. This, together with excellent online/offline navigation and a terminal, was all I needed.

SFOS is in a much better position as it has many apps, along with an Android compatibility layer. However, it is lacking on the native browser part. Personally, I think maintaining a modern browser is a huge task and Jolla doesn’t seem to have enough resources. Firefox has some old builds for Mer, it should not be a lot of work for Mozilla to get it working.

Other relevant discussions:


The question is more, who would back the effort, money wise?
in fact, the browser is not firefox, but gecko + xulrunner, which has been deprecated upstream(and I guess hence is maintained by Jolla only?)

About the xperia IV et al updates; I bought the 10iv as well, and started to regret it first when i noticed that c2 has a better camera, then when it surfaced that camera wont be working still for a while, namely until sony provides better blobs…
you see where this is going right? I hope I am wrong, but considering the shrinking market size of the xperias, and the current financial trends…three hints make a proof, right? (I hate to be right btw prove me.wrong please :smiley: )

You’re off-topic. Several of you.
I was going to say something interesting about what you have diverged to; but i’ll keep it to myself since it is off-topic.

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I also have an Xperia 10 V here awaiting to be flashed, if you need help with that :wink:


i don’t think they need help, but you can test it yourself, well if you can, i could just compile the kernel and compiling hybris failed unfortunately. here are the instructions: Sailfish X Xperia Android 13 Build and Flash | Sailfish OS Documentation

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maybe the sources were only partially downloaded, like stated in the common pitfalls, but i don’t know

I know. I did it for the Xperia X Compact, so I know how to do it. Unfortunately I’m currently stuck with Android 14 because I was not able to downgrade to AOSP 13. That’s why I’m waiting for the adaption of AOSP 14 for SFOS for 10 V. Don’t want to mess with 14 + SFOS built for 13.

Think it possible to do it with the Emma tool. When I bought the 10v, I did an update and that was fot android 14. I then change to android 13 , using Emma tools.

Unfortunately Emma just for Windows :sob::sob::sob:

Works okay with virtual windows… vbox or similar.


I tried with Emma. Didn’t work unfortunately (downgrading). I know there is a different way, but I thought it might be ok to wait, as support for 14 was announced.

At the time I was starting my journey with sailfish I have a lot of difficulties to get all the stuff just working regarding flashing adb emma etc. All I can say that most of my problems were caused by wrongly assigned/wrong drivers. Despite all of my prievious knowledge with sailfish I started learning again.

Yet never faced info about the tampered software. Imo try as someone suggested. Unlock&Relock device again. Let it erase and try again