Aarch64 RPMs (share)

which command are you using to load fish? If you just use ‘/load fish’, it will look in wrong place. You need to use full path - /load /usr/local/lib64/irssi/modules/libfish.so (assuming that’s where you put it). Let me know if that works, and there’s a way you can set it to load on start…

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wishlist: 6cord aarch64 :slight_smile:

Did you already try this - Artifacts · linux (#515405685) · Jobs · diamondburned / 6cord · GitLab ?

I can’t test at the moment …

This one working for me on Android… Artifacts · linux_arm64 (#515405686) · Jobs · diamondburned / 6cord · GitLab

wow, thx, gonna try later

working on SF…

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Qxcompositor - https://github.com/elros34/qxcompositor/tree/qtwayland-5.6

I wasn’t sure if you had all noted that some of these things are also in chum:

yes - actually my rpms for those are no good anyway…

Anybody know why I can’t edit my first post here?

You could try opening the tools (wrench icon hidden behind … bottom right) and turn it into a wiki :wink: otherwise, ask @vige

There’s a time limit for that.

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any idea what it is?

Sorry, not sure. IIRC, for sure less then a month but I think even less then a week. At least for “ordinary” user level.

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looking for pyqt5 for aarch64 (for tama device XZ2c). can anyone help me out?
the armv7hl rpms ive been using for the last few years were python2 bindings for qt 5.1 (ignoring dependencies)

i have no idea how to cross-compile pyqt5 for aarch64 against the ancient qt5 5.6.

pip install seems to work…

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heeey! excellent, thank you!
i tried pip before and got a weird ld error, so i gave up. ill try again now that i know its possible :slight_smile:

also, i finally figured out how to do actually do things with the sfdk (namely: build-shell) and finally got a python2 build together that works on my XZ2c. ill attach here and/or in openrepos when i package it up.

theres one thing i couldnt figure out how to do that i had to workaround. is there a nice way to install an rpm from file into the target, like sfdk tools package-install? or some way to get root in the target vm, or manually modify the files that are synced into the image?

one of the dependencies of pyqt, python-sip, is very hard to configure lib location in pyqt, and it would have been great to be able to put sip.h in /usr/include and the python libs in site-packages.

some aarch64 RPMS ive built:

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anyone have 64-bit meecast?
someone built the main app, harbour-meecast, but it doesnt seem to work properly, and i cant find harbour-meecast-event or harbour-meecast-daemon

@teleshoes, please start using SailfishOS:Chum for building your packages.
You can still upload your RPMs to OpenRepos, but having them at SailfishOS:Chum would be helpful for developers directly utilising these libraries etc., too.

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