[] Android AppSupport crashes at any activity after upgrade to Sauna

Did your update go well?
Do you have anything like google services or microg installed?

Thanks for your reply. Update went well, no issues there. And no, no google services installed. If I don’t touch an open Android app, it’ll just sit there. As soon as I try to scroll though, it’ll crash.

For me is the same, sfos with gapps on xperia 10Iii. Everything is very slow and app support crashes if I open any app.

Maybe uninstalling and reinstalling Android Support might help. But this is just an idea.
You might want to backup some Android data before doing so, start with one app and successively reinstall backups and other apps.

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Hi WT.Sane,
thanks for your suggestion to reinstall AppSupport. I had totally forgotten that it is not an integrated module of the OS. Unfortunately, reinstalling didn’t help, but on the other hand, my data stayed intact, so no need to reconfigure the Android apps on my phone.
It is beginning to dawn on me that resetting the device might be the only option, though, but I’m still pretty hesitant. Maybe someone will come up with a brilliant fix :smile:, so I’ll just wait a little longer and try my luck with exercising some patience.
Are shults and me the only two on the planet experiencing this frustrating issue?

How much free space do you have in the root partition / overall?

As a last resort before reflashing the phone, you could try to delete Android App Support the brutal way (if you didn’t already), as described in the documentation:

I tried freeing up as much space as I could. Here’s the result. I’ll try deleting app support the hard way once I’m back home from my class trip. Don’t want to fiddle too much as long as I need the phone here. I do appreciate your assistance very much. Thanks, I’ll let you know how it worked out.

Good morning everyone,
I have the same problem too…
I did a total flash of Sauna just yesterday, on an Xperia 10 II dual sim.
In particular, I notice that WhatsApp crashes and Nextcloud Notes doesn’t keep the note I’m viewing open if I close the screen.
I have microG installed, I just removed it, let’s see if the situation improves…

Hello everybody,
I have the same issue on my X10 dual sim. All Android Apps can be started but crash after any action within it. The app support seems to be restarted immediately.
I have microG installed and around 600 MB free space on System data about 25 GB on User data.

I also have this problem, or very similar, (as I have mentioned in another thread) although it is much worse on my Xperia 10 iii than it is on my XA2 Plus. sometimes you have to try and start an Android app 5 or 6 times before it will open and work successfully.

I have a similar problem on my xa2 plus, I did a reinstall due to the increase in memory, but sometimes when opening an application the App support message appears starting, before it happened only with here maps or google maps now it happens very frequently with any application

We would appreciate getting some logs from the phones having problems reported in this thread.

Use the phone. As soon as you have seen the problem occur, run the following commands.
Please mention the date and time when this happened to make it easier to read the logs.

/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/logcat > sailfish-logs.txt
appsupport-attach /system/bin/logcat > android-logs.txt
appsupport-attach /system/bin/pm list packages | sort > android-packages.txt
rpm -qa | grep -E 'alien|apkd|appsupport' > appsupport-rpms.txt
journalctl -ab --no-pager > journal.txt

tar -cf appsupport.tar sailfish-logs.txt android-logs.txt android-packages.txt appsupport-rpms.txt journal.txt

If you do not want to publish your appsupport.tar here make a ticket at https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

Thank you!

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Is this Collect Persistent Logs | Sailfish OS Documentation help article still relevant? I have been using it to collect logs.

It is relevant and probably even better than those ^.

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This is probably the most helpful part. This should be run before a crash, and should only return when AppSupport has shut down.

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Thanks everyone for your support. Unfortunately, I haven’t succeeded generating log-entries. Is there anyone more tech-savvy out there with the same issue who could post a log after AppSupport crashes on their phone?

I also have a similar problem. Since the update to “Sauna”, the last functioning banking app also crashes. As soon as I enter my PIN in the ING app, the program crashes.

I actually wanted to release another device for the move to another system. Now I have to wait for a release pin by post. Although I’ve been using Sailfish since Jolla 1, it just confirms to me that there’s no future in this. All the important functions that you unfortunately have to rely on today via smartphone don’t work.

You can succesfully launch the ING app from the terminal, see [] App Support, app grid - ING Banking App and others are killed (closed) after entering PIN

In the terminal, you need to enter:

apkd-launcher de.ingdiba.bankingapp.apk de.ingdiba.bankingapp/com.ing.mobile.diba.startup.SplashActivity

Good luck!

07-04 00:29:45.046  2616  2654 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 13 msec
07-04 00:29:45.046  2616  2654 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 13 msec
07-04 00:29:45.046  2616  2654 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 4987 msec from now
07-04 00:29:45.046  2616  2654 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 4987 msec from now
07-04 00:29:45.046  2616  2654 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 4997 msec from now
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  : System zygote died with exception
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: event time must not be in the future
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService$BinderService.userActivity(PowerManagerService.java:4976)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at android.os.PowerManager.userActivity(PowerManager.java:1190)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at android.os.PowerManager.userActivity(PowerManager.java:1155)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.handleMotionEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:315)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.processMotionEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:297)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.onInputEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:237)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at android.view.InputFilter$H.handleMessage(InputFilter.java:249)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:652)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:434)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:599)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 E Zygote  :      at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:925)
07-04 00:29:46.027   260   260 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
07-04 00:29:46.029   260   260 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main

package list:


is this enough?

This seems to be a recurring theme:

WLAlienEventDevice: WLAlienEventTouch::checkOffset time offset diverged by more than 100 millisecond (4294888701 ns), resetting offset to 2329793188515

4294888701 looks suspiciously close to UINT_MAX, maybe this is an integer underflow issue?

07-04 01:15:11.272   261   276 W WLAlienEventDevice: WLAlienEventTouch::checkOffset time offset diverged by more than 100 millisecond (4294888701 ns), resetting offset to 2329793188515
07-04 01:15:11.708   261   361 E WificondScannerImpl: Timed out waiting for scan result from wificond
07-04 01:15:13.523  1603  1755 I OkHttpWebSocketConnection: [normal:8157010] Sending keep alive...
07-04 01:15:13.524  1603  1755 I OkHttpWebSocketConnection: [unidentified:149135018] Sending keep alive...
07-04 01:15:13.527  1603  1755 D AlarmSleepTimer: Setting an exact alarm to wake up in 19999ms.
07-04 01:15:13.527  1603  1603 W AlarmSleepTimer: Waking up.
07-04 01:15:14.217  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 3 msec
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 3 msec
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 4996 msec from now
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 4996 msec from now
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 5006 msec from now
07-04 01:15:15.571   261   276 W WLAlienEventDevice: WLAlienEventTouch::checkOffset time offset diverged by more than 100 millisecond (4295483753 ns), resetting offset to 2334088672268
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  : System zygote died with exception
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: event time must not be in the future
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService$BinderService.userActivity(PowerManagerService.java:4976)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.PowerManager.userActivity(PowerManager.java:1190)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.PowerManager.userActivity(PowerManager.java:1155)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.handleMotionEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:315)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.processMotionEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:297)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.onInputEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:237)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.view.InputFilter$H.handleMessage(InputFilter.java:249)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:652)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:434)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:599)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:925)
07-04 01:15:15.798   261   261 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
07-04 01:15:15.798   261   261 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main

I’m testing with firefox, that’s why you see gecko-related logs. Interacting with any android app for <15s is enough to reproduce this.