Playing around with a 10 iii with a fresh install of on it.
The speed of the machine is evident in the silky way the desktop/webpage responds to scrolling up and down with a finger slide…
… but touch interactions with the web browser!
They ignore/miss regularly, require incredible precision.
I frequently have to zoom in massively, repeatedly stabbing at the hyperlink to get the browser to respond to a command.
And I really struggle doing the following two operations (that work flawlessly on my old XA2 Plus - despite struggling a bit performance wise):
1. Click and hold on a hyperlink to prompt for “Open in a new tab”
Can get it to work on big hyperlink buttons, but not on reddit style text hyperlinks.
I can see the hyperlink highlighting under my finger, but screen is still jittering and mostly fails to prompt the pop-up.
2. Double tap on text to prompt for copy-n-paste functionality
This can be done if I really try, but in day to day operations it often simply fails to respond.
And if it does respond by opening the copy quotes on text, i can’t seem to get the follow through to accept the selection for copying.
The quotes just sit there on the screen, allowing me to adjust the amount of selectable text forever.
n.b. I should say that my generally pleasant web navigation experience on the XA2 Plus has been using Firefox, but in writing this I have tried the same operations on both phones using the Jolla browser, and the user interaction is easier and more reliable on the old XA2 Plus.
What has been your experience with the Xperia 10 iii/ii?
Have you any experience with the 10 iii/ii relative to other SFOS devices you have used?
Many thanks