Xperia X 10 II GPU heavily affected by GPS fix (Pure Maps and other GPS related apps)

My Pro1 died some days before. So I had to think about a replacement device. I had some troubles with my Pro 1 before, especially with GPS, so I thought about getting a quite modern device with LineageOS or a similar android derivate. Well, to make it short, I flashed Lineage OS on my old Xperia X and after a week of usage, I’m cured of that Idea.

In the end, I decided to go for an X 10 II, just to be on the save side and having a fully supported device again.
Now, having everything set up, I’m somewhat irritated. Pure Maps is crashing all the time. At first, I thought, that Pure Maps is the culprit, but now I’m not so sure anymore. Pure Maps runs fine as long, as there is no GPS fix. AT that moment, when a fix is there, it gets very unresponsive, and it usually doesn’t take too long, until it crashes. Running

journalctl -f

I get these lines, when the crash happens:

> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu timeout ctx 13 ts 1067964
> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu fault ctx 13 ctx_type GL ts 1067964 status 00E79425 rb 01d3/0218 ib1 00000007FEE5E000/05de ib2 00000007F9E7C5AC/12d2
> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu fault rb 2 rb sw r/w 01d3/0218
> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu failed ctx 13 ts 1067964

I now started to take a look at other GPS related apps, Even so they are not crashing that often, frame rate is breaking down massively as soon as there is a GPS fix. Judging from others, which have as well reported to have problems with Pure Maps and proofing this behavior on my Girlfriend’s X 10 II, I think there is a bug in Sailfish.

Further observation: Everytime I close an app, while having GPS running in background, GPS fix is lost for a very short time.

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Since you refused to use the template, i’m moving your thread to general.

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Sorry, that wasn’t my intent. I switched category after I started writing. Therefore, I haven’t seen any template.
I will change the thread to fit to the template later on.

I have now filled in a proper bug report via bugger, please look here:

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Closing as there’s a proposer bug report.