Xperia Tama port: AOSP10/aarch64 release

Hi @zuyev, I’m trying to flash an xz2 6GB version but I’m getting this:
“Found H8296, baseband:1313-0868_52.1.A.3.49, bootloader:1310-7079_X_Boot_SDM845_LA2.0.1_Q_207
Found 0 devices:
Incorrect number of devices connected. Make sure there is exactly one device connected in fastboot mode”…any hints? TIA
Edit: I checked the and sure enough it references H8266, so I changed that to H8296 but now I have 'md5sum does not match", can I take out the md5sum check altogether?
Edit 2: I didn’t fully understand the syntax but took out the md5sum section and the script ran ok. I flashed sf4.5, got the flashing sony logo, otherwise everything is great! Thanks zuyev for this tip. This device can be bought new for about 180€

When i flashed my xz2 compact, the installation-script (on windows) doesn’t find my device because it was other reported as from the script expected.

As a workaround i just perform the flash commands for the partitions from the script one-by-one by hand in the console and it worked for me.

Anyone noticed the touchscreen not always working after you wake the phone up -since the last release- and needing a lock-unlock to work properly?

Very rare, maybe one of hundret times it happend.

Depends on used display maybe. I replaced mine few days ago (had no touch issues from time to time) and the new display wouldn’t unlock at all (no touch) only after several tries. I reflashed Android and restarted at some 4.3 or 4.4 image and updated to Now it works like a charm. The backup function of rinigus’ port is a life saver.

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Sorry, not a tama user - but what backup are you referring to, maybe I should incorporate it in my port?

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fsarchiver is integrated in Tama recovery. So it’s very convenient to backup and restore root and home partition to sd.

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I just used the installation instructions and flashed tama port on my friend’s old XZ2c.
Well done @rinigus !
I hope he starts using it:)


Its still a nice small and powerfull daily driver, hope we see the 4.6. update for it

Would have to wait for full release. Then I am planning to look into it

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Thanks for your efforts. I wish i could help you.

I would like to flash it then directly and not update via OTA, because i tinkering around in camera-options and have the problem that camera-picture sometimes doesn’t show up.