Xperia 10 V support?

And maybe they never will, because they don’t have to. I bet that they are now more focused on releasing Android 15 blobs. Maybe someone from Jolla could tell us why did they choose Android 14 for the 10 IV and V (knowing that Android 14 blobs were in a pitiful state, as opposed to Android 13 blobs) if even the C2 happily uses Android 13. I would really love to know what was the actual reasoning behind that decision, other than being able to just postpone 10 IV / V support and keep putting the blame on Sony for that.

Could you please indicate where it was ever called by Sony an alpha release?


I saw it from Rainemak:

I did not see such a statement from Sony, this probably only communicated between Sony and Raines team without official communication from Sony??

The question is simple: why at all Android 14 was chosen by Jolla, which already by now delayed the release of normally functional and commercially supported 10 IV / V system by many months and it still remains unknown how many more months it will further take if “that release is alpha release and those blobs are still worked on”. All that when Android 13 blobs (much more polished and finished) were available, and Android 14 doesn’t really give any important advantages, not even a newer kernel. It’s a simple question, so maybe we could hear a simple answer from Jolla after 8 months of waiting (and more to come) and always hearing that it is Sony responsible for that. The 10 III still happily runs (including its 5G support) on Android 11, the C2 runs on Android 13, but only the 10 IV and V couldn’t live without Android 14, of which the only result is perpetual delay?


I would really love to know what was the actual reasoning behind that decision, other than being able to just postpone 10 IV / V support and keep putting the blame on Sony for that.

This is really inappropriate. But at least you answered the question why Jolla gives not more information by yourself.

Fully understand your line of arguments and I follow your rationale.
My hope would be that Jolla read this and in the end, I think it is in their hands to choose Android 13 or 14 as base, meaning in the end hopefully Jolla has control, not Sony. For us more experienced users it is of no issue to reflash back Android 13 for the devices who already have Android 14.
But maybe we have not all the information that Jolla has, maybe some confidential information was shared that we do not have.
But maybe there a path via Android 13 to a faster release on X10V…
Hope dies last

They did explain in the first bullet here Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support - #259 by rainemak


Explained what? That instead of fully working Android 13 blobs Jolla has chosen severely broken Android 14 blobs, hoping that Sony would one day fix them, i.e. bring them to a state in which Android 13 blobs were readily available already then? That makes zero sense, and reality proves it in 100%, given that since Rainemak wrote it in July 2024, those Android 14 blobs still haven’t been fixed, and there was just a SINGLE update of those Android 14 blobs since July 2024 (versus 3 releases of Android 13 blobs) that is still broken and referred to as “alpha”. If that is being “focused on” then let’s not hold our breath. Especially that Android 15 is being rolled out for the 1 V and 5 V just as I am writing this, coming to the 10 V within a week or two, so it’ll surely be Android 15 what Sony will now be focused on, also in the AOSP department.

And even though the 10 IV (as opposed to the 10 V) will not get Android 15, it’ll most probably get Android 15 AOSP binaries, just like the Xperia XA2 (Nile) kept getting Android 10 and 11 AOSP blobs, even though it only got Android 9 OS from Sony.


Well not sure if this could be foreseen when Rainemak was writing this, but there is no need to argue here that - and I am saying this without knowing if really the Android 14 blobs are the culprit here - it would have definitely made sense to rethink this choice meanwhile.
On the other hand I can imagine that a lot of work has been done already for 14 and I can understand that they want to avoid the “double” work necessary maybe to make 13 main target again.

However, that again makes me wonder why the focus on the Sony devices anyway- there are surely a few other companies and models out there which definitely would come to mind, such as the Gigasets which Volla uses for their Vollaphone (and for which there are already some community ports - while I am not sure in which state they are) or Fairphone which should be open for such ideas as well, just to name a few.

But in the end this brings me down only again to the same conclusion, they don’t seem to have the capacity for any of these as well as some serious progress on the Xperia series- and this brings me yet again to the conclusion that there something goes really really wrong here.
I mean, there is good working OS, stable and functional in general with pretty much all essential needs covered. There are obviously people willing to wait months if not years while also accepting to have old outdated hardware and still it doesn’t seem to be possible to have a very decent range of devices, which would make this entire project also a LOT more attractive for - excuse me - “normal people” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But nothing happens, it rather looks like everything is done to let it die.
Really, I don’t get it, actually, I’m more than frustrated.

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Hello community,
I have a brand new Xperia 10 v… Win 10 computer… How do I proceed to install Sailfish? 1.Unlock bootloader 2.Flash Sailfish Image? Android 14 stock image? or flash first Via EMMA Flash Tool?

Thank you for your support

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That’s easy: Just wait until 5.x is released for the 10 V. Then follow the installation guide.


I just installed Sailfish on my Xperie 10 V, download the sailfish X beta, open the readme and follow the instructions.
It took me a bit of time to get everything together, I forgot to install and link the Android USB driver to the phone but after that it went flawless.
During installation it will tell you what binary to download, it was v3a and not v5a. Download it, put it in the directory of your sailfish installation and launch the installer .bat again then it installed just fine.



i have unlock the bootloader…my xperia is on Android 13…can i update to A14?
Should I do the initial setup (GOOLAG) of the Xperia… wireless… SIM Card… or without initial setup
…flash sailfish os…

just read and do exactly as described:

Please make sure that your phone has Android version 13 or 14

after unlock

7.14 Disconnect the USB cable from your phone. Then, turn the phone on and let it boot up to the UI.
No need to run the “Get started” phase (if requested). It is good to stop there. Just turn the
phone off. This will complete the unlocking session.

and then you can flash…


Dobrý večer a děkuji za vaši podporu

works great…1tb sd…openvpn…sim card O2… :+1:


sailfish for xperia 10v is catastrophic…
battery discharge…mobile data works partially…flight mode…no app for command line…
no license for app support.
image from 20.09.2024 update to 5…the same
shit. are they asleep at jolla? jolla can’t even support their c2 :rofl:
and please don’t blame sony for updates!

no app for command line

I just enabled the developer mode and the Terminal app showed up in the launcher as usual.


For the battery discharge i recommend running “devel-su systemctl stop bluebinder” after every boot. If you need Bluetooth you have to start it again

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enable then disable bluetooth after boot will “fix” the bluebinder too

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Many thanks to you… will install and test sailfish again

Hello I have installed your Battery Info app do I have to set something there?