Xperia 10 V support?

Really bad that the cooperation with Aurora OS had to die. No matter the politics. End result is, Sailfish is stagnating, Aurora OS will never be sufficiently open. SFOS seemed the more solid choice as a Linux on phone compared to pmOS or ubports, but, well, there we (currently) have the same problems that I read about in the pmOS wiki on every target they have…

Spreading resources thin to that AI thing certainly doesn’t do any good either.

Way I see it, only a sugar daddy could save SFOS, which is on the decline, or a partnership with a major phone vendor.
Who would invest in such a project?
Mobile providers wanting to lock people into their ecosystem or companies wanting to control employees. It is slightly hilarious that controlling the user is the highest priority if investment is to be considered into the “alternative OS”.

I hope it survives, yet not for a reason a consumer should have - due to my sheer hate of Android and their entire bloated codebase, apps weighing the weight of Linux distributions of the 10’s…

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Maybe the AI could do the fixing of the camera and porting to new targets :wink:


I imagine this has something to do with trying to ride the new hype (i.e., securing funding), so I don’t see much of an alternative. They need money to survive. Selling just a few SFOS licenses a year won’t sustain a business for very long.

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Maybe applying for EU grants could help a lot more then hopping onto a hype train.


as if it really helped somebody before


This has been discussed many times. Problem with EU grants is the lack of complete open source.

Edit: Might be that I remember this incorrectly and the culprit was not the licensing but the russian coownership of Jolla. At least this problem is fortunately gone now. If you are interested in the discussion, search the forum for “EU Grants”.


Maybe a fundraiser to finance the freeing of the code like Blender did. What do you think?

I’m just a silent reader here, but I used to have the one Sony device with Sailfish OS. Basically, it was something special. A completely new experience and also, if I may say so, a feeling that it feels secure. I’m not a computer scientist, like everyone here, I had to rummage through the forums to fix the small or big problems. At a certain point it was ok. But the love for Jolla also has its limits. The company doesn’t seem to understand the market. If they were to concentrate on one of the few models, then many of the faults that are sustainable would be avoidable. It’s no good as an everyday device, as much as I appreciate the people here. But the pain threshold is reached when I have to pay an annual subscription and get mediocre support or a half-finished solution. I don’t have to drive out of the garage with two flat tyres either. The new phone, the C2, doesn’t seem to be a good solution from my point of view and it was clear to me that the problems would come rolling in. That shouldn’t be the case. As I said, I’m not a professional, I’m prepared to do without a lot. But I also want something that works. There are other approaches, such as Graphene OS, which is also an interesting project. And a Pixel is also easy to get second-hand.


The 10 V is not yet in subscription mode. It is a free preview - since everyone know it isn’t finished.

Which is still just Android. Perhaps like Brave is to Chrome, but certainly no Firefox.


Sailfish OS 5 RC5 on the way… (??) :crossed_fingers:

08:21:23 <flypigSailfishOS[m]> Good to hear about RC5. Is it an OTA update for all official devices?
08:22:34 <pvuorela> flypigSailfishOS[m]: let's see, hoping we could get this released finalized for all soon.
08:22:36 <ExTechOp> Like flypigSailfishOS[m] asked, do we have any more info on firmware updates to Sony Xperia 10V ?
08:24:08 <pvuorela> i think there were some udpates but also some problems just using new blobs. might require some changes elsewhere. or something on that direction.

Yes, fingers crossed, the last reply when specifically asked for the V was a bit vague, but in the end its also in their interest to sell some licenses, more sooner than later

I have a pixel 4 graphene Os
I bought myself a brand new pixel 7. Barely unpacked ’ immediately on graphene os.
I had some minor problems during the Abdroid 14 update
But nothing alarming. Everything works very very well. several users. One user with google another without google. Another with Android Cars. Yet another user only for banking applications. And yet another for the Nfc to take the metro … Compared to my C2 or my Xperia there is no photo. I use the graph os camera app which works very well on appAndroid But I really like SaifilshOs.

As clearly written in Release notes. We, community wanted that. As Sony just released their blobs it might improve soonish.


As long as it’s not buggy as for C2 I can wait.
Plus, today I received my third 10III for mama as Christmas gift. My second 10III is now a week old. So I don’t mind at all

Hi everyone
Has has someone put Sauna on XQ-DC72 (dual sim) yet?


Hi Matt5,
I have, and all is working on par with the other models. I think.
I did initially enable the second sim, but since then I have reflashed and have not since done so again.

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Juz, there was some discussion a while ago on the 10 IV thread about enabling dual sim. I was sure I’d read someone had managed it but couldn’t find the steps or the results. Was that you? Would you mind sharing what you had to do to make it work?

Edit: Found it! Thanks!


That’s great!!

I gave up in July/August and have just come back (I bought it in May)
Do you have any recommendations or a link to follow?
I will get it out the box & try today (no updates & android 13 i think).

That link was good. I’ve never done a SF install (only bootloader unlock & change to global for mi mix 3 when i bought new).
Has someone posted a link for instructions for 10v 72 (dual sim)?
I’m not a coder and arm worried about wrong android, binaries and editing the config.