Xperia 10 III support

Enable it in settings/apps


For me it’s pretty damn amazing. Coming from Jolla 1 which was unusable, this is absolutely useable and very responsive. What would make it amazing would be AdblockPlus ported for it!


Thoughts re my X10 III and SFOS 4.4
The phone - coming from Jolla 1 is very responsive. Really nice and bright interface. My battery has lasted two days and still going at 34%. I have 4G and WLAN running. I am using it more and more so the wlan drain is not occurring for me.
Onedrive auto backup is running smoothly.
Fingerprint sensor is working too. One touch to turn on screen, another touch to unlock - easy.
No issues with bluetooth either pairing with Win 10 laptop nor Subaru BRZ car though alas, I don’t have sms and sometimes the artist title isn’t picked up.


Couldn’t agree more. Any ad block would be amazing

After each power on / reboot of my 10 III, even though Bluetooth is enabled and correctly working, there is no Bluetooth icon in the status bar and also the “quick access” Bluetooth icon/button in the pull down menu is inactive (as if Bluetooth was disabled). At the same time, on the Settings / Bluetooth screen it is correctly shown as enabled and I can normally use Bluetooth.

It takes disabling and re-enabling Bluetooth (either using that icon or from Settings / Bluetooth screen) for the Bluetooth icon to appear in the status bar and the icon/button in the menu to correctly show its enabled state.

Should I file a bug report?

Already reported: Bluetooth toggle and indicator is out of sync with reality


Thanks, sorry for not searching carefully enough. After whole night spent in garage, (successfully) resolving pairing issues with my car kits, I see s**t :slight_smile:

Today in the morning I was expecting an important SMS. When I woke up it wasn’t there, so I tried to call the person who was supposed to send it. Despite normal indicators in the status bar showing good coverage (3G at that time), several attempts to make a call resulted in “Network error” message. I needed to use another phone to make a call. I was told that the SMS was sent to me half an hour earlier, and the sender even got the receipt confirmation. But I never got that SMS. I could make calls on the X10 III only after reboot.

Let’s see in further use if it was indeed a network problem or was it the X10 III acting up.


How do background android apps work on your 10mk3?
Element (matrix client) deoesn’t update anything from the net 'til I manually select it’s window.
Seems like background network is disabled.
It wasn’t like that earlier.

In Settings → Apps → your android app → Allow background services to start on bootup. Is that turned on?

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No idea if it’s related, but I have twice received a text from the network operator promising a future text containing network setting. Neither of those texts has ever arrived:

No, it is turned off. As it always was on my phone.
AFAIK it has nothing to do with background services of running apps.

Consider installing (@peterleinchen 's fork of) Defender, it’s available both in SailfishOS:Chum and on openrepos.

It’s not a browser plugin so it can’t stop some specific Javascript tricks (e.g.: it won’t block Youtube pre-roll ad video), but it works at the /etc/hosts level (it change name resolution, a bit like a Pi Hole) and thus can also block ads elsewhere than browser (e.g.: it can be made to block apps in Android apps, too).

Defender doesn’t work anymore. (Sailjail incompatibility issue?) There are no sources in “Adblock Lists”.

Is there a workaround?

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Yes, there’s a work around. Let me check my notes.

Indeed the main problem is that the UI itself lacks the permission to access a few files it needs, due to not requesting the proper permissions. (and actually, I’m the one who filed the issue, but kind of forgot about this part :sweat_smile: ).
This only affects the UI (the list picker). Not the functionnality of defender itself as that is running in background services that rewrite the host file.

Basically the main work-around is:

Edit the file manually

The settings are stored in file .config/harbour-defender/defender.conf. Either copy it from an rsync backup / from your Jolla 1 phone. Or manually edit it and set the lists you want to sourceenabled = yes. Example:

wlanonly = no

sourceenabled = yes

sourceenabled = no

sourceenabled = yes

sourceenabled = yes

sourceenabled = no

To force updating the lists after that, run as root (this is the service that normally runs on a timer):

systemctl restart harbour-defender.service

Or alternatively as a user (this is how the UI passes the refresh instruction to the the above root servce):

touch ~/.config/harbour-defender/update

In theory, it should also be possible to patch the missing functionality (use Python functions instead of calling external wc -l) and run harbour-defender on the command line, directly instead of inside a sailjail.

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Thank you for explaining this. Now all i need is a full list of sources (or a copy of defender.conf with full list). Where could i apply that?

Edit: I managed to extract defender.conf from the RPM.

Edit Pt.2: And it looks it now updates the hosts file. Much obliged.

Edit Pt.3: Made a rookie mistake and forgot to backup the original /etc/hosts, so could someone pass that?

Sorry, upload is impossible. localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

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harbour-defender stores a backup in /etc/hosts.editable.
The final /etc/hosts is simply generated by concatenating this editable file with all the ad-blocking entries.

Original content is:		localhost.localdomain localhost
::1		localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
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Does anybody here use Element app? Do you have background notifications working? “Allow background service” is on, but it updates only when I open the app from tabs.

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I assume you mean Element from F-Droid. I haven’t installed it yet, but I experience same problems with other apps running on Android. Like banking apps not showing pop ups when transactions have passed. Or ProtonMail not showing a message when new e-mail has arrived. But: K-9 Mail works like a charm. WhatsApp most times okay, but I doubt whether it’s always working.

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