Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

Also remember in 10iii the led is still not fully functional and defaults to a constant bright green light.
One of the questions we need to ask is how many new bugs/missing features the new portings will bring and not compare hw specs on paper. Sorry being pessimistic.


Could you elaborate on this? The led on my 10iii shows different colors depending on type of notification.


on notification it only turns on and change colour, it cannot flash or breath periodically

I prefer constant any day over blinking, so now it is fully functional to me.

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It goes to bright green when charging, which is confusing with the email notification. Maybe someone on the forum knows if we can send commands to tune the hex color codes of the different notifications.

You can edit the colors and pattern of the Notification-LED in:


create a backup of this File before editing and be sure to have the developer-mode enabled, in case you have to revert to the original if something bad happen.


systemctl restart mce.service

I once had the Idea to create a Options-Entry for editing the LED-Color and Pattern as a Patch. But i don´t feel skilled enough with Patches for this Task. Someone with good SailfishOS-Coding-Knownledge should do it. If someone is interested, i can build and support a static Qt-Page with a possible Design for it.


No., Xperia 10 III

Why should it do so?

Jolla just have to move on to new Xperia phone. Dwelling on unsolved buf for years wont work. The hw unpgrades so much each year and it takes 3-4 years for a os port, then probably need to just move on. I am glad that Jolla finally profits and reconstructed internally, but the pace on supporting new devices are just too slow, it will still make people move away from the Sailfish. Or they can talk to Sony to for a better supported device. I am usimg Xperia 10iii, I am still feel much outdated, even though Librem 5 and pinephone linux phonea are worse. Sailfish is the only linux os that is daily usable, device support is the only drawback.


Just curious: Are there any numbers on the development of the user base?


I bought an Android with 12 GB RAM and I’m using it as my daily driver. Anything else I could live with, but hated out of ram occurring when needing navigation. Each and every time. I even stopped using android and going native.

If I forgot my phone in silent, the status LED is the only thing that tells me what happened recently. I care a lot about missed calls, and for that flashing the LED would tell me it needs immediate attention, contrary to e.g. SMS which need to be read but not necessarily immediately.

Also depending on light conditions, the blue it uses for SMS/missed calls might not be visible enough, flashing improves the visibility.

This is my usage pattern, yours might differ a lot, but I would appreciate to be able to change the blinking behaviour on an OS that has customization as a main selling point.


I hadn’t thought about nearly invisible non flashing blue LEDs.
I actually never spent a single moment of my attention to that.

That’s right. 10 III’s LED is cr*p. It is impossible to get clear green or yellow color (unlike red and blue, which are OK). I spent a lot of time tweaking /etc/mce/20hybris-led.ini to get anything that would resemble green or yellow, all in vain. The closest one can get to green is to set very dark value of the green component of rgb, i.e. something like #002b00 rather than #00ff00. But yellow seems to be undoable. I use something like #6f0f03 but it’s actually more like orange.

Blinking / breathing is broken, too. Majority of patterns which are set to blink in mce, do not blink but show steady light. Only charging patterns seem to correctly support blinking / breathing.


Its similar to the XZ2 Compact Notify-LED. Its very dark and colors are rotated a bit.

The best Notify-LED-Experience with SailfishOS for me was on X Compact and XA2, others are not tested by me because i don´t own it.


On the 10 III R and B diodes are dark while green is very bright. So it actually “eclipses” (or rather overshines) the other two, resulting in wrong colors. Colors produced by combinations of red and blue (which have approximately the same brightness) are correct, for example magenta #ff00ff looks kind of OK. But if the bright G component has to be used, it is way too bright and outshines the others, so you get wrong color. Hence you can’t even get a clear white from #ffffff because there’s too much of green in it. You can try to set a darker value for G diode giving lower brightness similar to the strength of R and B diodes, but it gives acceptable results only for some colors.

Maybe it is an electrical problem - either the G diode is fed with too high current, or the R and B diodes get too low current.

Compared to this, my XA2 Ultra LED gives very nice, correct and clear colors.

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related bug report here [LENA][11][4.19] Green LED indicator is brighter than blue and red · Issue #772 · sonyxperiadev/bug_tracker · GitHub I believe


Right! Still not fixed, unfortunately…

As for Xperia 10 IV and V support, will XQ-CC72 and XQ-DC72 be supported or only listed XQ-CC54 and XQ-DC54?

If so, they probably would have been listed to

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