I asked a question about the possibility of there being an official port for the 10 IV. It will come up in the community meeting on May 25th. Community meeting on IRC 25th May 2023 - #3 by martinbook85
I was asked if it isn’t bad for Jolla to use its limited resources for this since the 10 V just has been announced. Community meeting on IRC 25th May 2023 - #4 by wetab73
My answer to the question is the following:
I have sympathy for your argument, but as there has been a release for almost every Xperia mid range model since XA2, I bought an Xperia 10 IV in the hopes of having a port for it. Of course, I did buy it knowing there might not be a port for it. Anyway, this is why I am asking the question. I want to know.
The problem, as I see it, is that Jolla does not announce in time that there will be a port. When there is a port the phones are difficult to come by. This was the case for the 10 III. Or, at least right now the 10 iv is sometimes cheaper than the 10 iii.
Besides, as I have understood it, the difference between the 10 iii and 10 iv is greater than between the 10 iv and 10 v.
I would hope for this: Jolla finds a collaboration model with Sony where they are given (can buy) the phone model when it enters the market and with the prior knowledge it will be in the open device program. That way Jolla can release a port earlier than now and tell their customers in time that there will be a port. The current system is not working.
I would be fine with Jolla supporting less phones, but I do feel there needs to be clearer communication, earlier, what phones they will support.
If they won’t be able to support the 10iv I need to sell it as I am very happy with my Sailfish experience on my XA2 Ultra but want a faster phone. I think I will be able to use the XA2 Ultra a year more, but the new camera module I bought for it is starting to act up like the old one did.