Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

The German Postbank App is working too…

What did I just start?



I do not know, BUT have you heard the latest: THE NORWEGIAN BANKID WORKS!!!

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Summerized we can say some banking apps working under Sailfish or a number of Sailors have got the secret preview too :slight_smile:

But this all becomes off topic now …

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Getting back on topic:

I’ve understood there are community ports for Xperia 1IV and 5IV (?), has anyone tried them out? Are they good?

Does anyone have any news about 10IV?

As far as i know “only” for Xperia 1 and 5 Mark1:

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Right. Ok. So I was misaken. Thanks!

I must say Im genuinely suprised. I had many problems with 10 III before and after the last update. I decided to go back to XA2. Today I decided to do fresh install on my 10 III, flashing with image. Most of the problems doesn’t exist anymore. Why? I don’t know. Maybe best way to update is to backup and flash device with new version. Data Connection works like a charm (Poland-Play). Phone usability much improved. No more problems with GPS, everything is working good so far. Im not saying this frequently but GOOD JOB Jolla! Finally I have fast SFOS device that is suitable to be a daily driver. The only thing is, why didn’t I got that by doing simple update?


I had the exact same experience with my XA2 Ultra. I reflashed the phone with a 4.5 image (don’t remember exactly which one) and it works wonderfully well. Hoping for an as good port for the 10 IV.


Did you have the data connection issue before?
Did you reboot after reflashing, and if so does data connection still work?
Did you notice that this is the topic for the Xperia IV series? :slight_smile:

For all three questions asnwer is yes.
For last one -I knew that, just wanted to quote my reply as it was in this topic
Im using the phone for few days now, Expirenced not even one problem known before.

I was metioning I need a lot of android apps because of my work. Now I don’t need second android device as my SFOS 10 III does everything is requied.

Fast and stable device with only good alternative os doing everything I need - That’s why I joined jolla community and I finally have it.


Just to confirm, you had absolutely no data access before reflashing, or just no hotspot?

In my case data connection problem was a bit different. It worked fine for some time, then when it switched from 3g to 4g in some cases 4g and range in status bar dissapeared. Once it was back, no internet connection was possible.

On the other hand while data connection was working hotspot worked without any issues

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The last 4 posts were off topic completely. …

Maybe this topic should be closed until there is any new information. The four comments are about a stable/an unstable port for 10 III and maybe how that might affect the probability of a 10IV port. But you are right, they are off topic.

However, there is no new information about there being a port to any of these phones (1 IV, 5 IV or 10 IV). We don’t know if Jolla is working on them, or if they are thinking about working on them. Hopefully there could be some sort of hint soon.


I asked a question about the possibility of there being an official port for the 10 IV. It will come up in the community meeting on May 25th. Community meeting on IRC 25th May 2023 - #3 by martinbook85

I was asked if it isn’t bad for Jolla to use its limited resources for this since the 10 V just has been announced. Community meeting on IRC 25th May 2023 - #4 by wetab73

My answer to the question is the following:

I have sympathy for your argument, but as there has been a release for almost every Xperia mid range model since XA2, I bought an Xperia 10 IV in the hopes of having a port for it. Of course, I did buy it knowing there might not be a port for it. Anyway, this is why I am asking the question. I want to know.

The problem, as I see it, is that Jolla does not announce in time that there will be a port. When there is a port the phones are difficult to come by. This was the case for the 10 III. Or, at least right now the 10 iv is sometimes cheaper than the 10 iii.

Besides, as I have understood it, the difference between the 10 iii and 10 iv is greater than between the 10 iv and 10 v.

I would hope for this: Jolla finds a collaboration model with Sony where they are given (can buy) the phone model when it enters the market and with the prior knowledge it will be in the open device program. That way Jolla can release a port earlier than now and tell their customers in time that there will be a port. The current system is not working.

I would be fine with Jolla supporting less phones, but I do feel there needs to be clearer communication, earlier, what phones they will support.

If they won’t be able to support the 10iv I need to sell it as I am very happy with my Sailfish experience on my XA2 Ultra but want a faster phone. I think I will be able to use the XA2 Ultra a year more, but the new camera module I bought for it is starting to act up like the old one did.


By the way. I just saw this community port, haven’t seen it before: GitHub - SailfishOS-SonyXperia/device-sony-murray

Does anyone know anything about this community port?

Someone corrected me and said it is the android device repo and not a port. Any other comments are welcome.

Well, I bought the 10 III in the hope that all its three cameras would be supported, its echo cancellation issue would be solved, its display color banding issue would be fixed (sadly, the community-provided fix does not work for me) and its VoLTE support would grow out of beta, at least to the point that I would hear the tone when calling someone. None of which has ever happened. So not all our hopes or wishes materialize…

Fully agreed.

And that’s exactly why I am suggesting that they should finally exit this closed circle by focusing on supporting the 10 V that will be available over the next 1-1,5 years, rather than the 10 IV whose last units will disappear from stores over the next couple of months.

The 10 IV and the 10 V have the same SoC (different than the 10 III). Hence my suggestion to first focus on a port for the 10 V, and then back-port it to 10 IV (for those few people who bought it in hope that it’d support SFOS), which should be quite easy given that they share the same chipset and mostly the same hardware in general. But doing it the other way around, i.e. first supporting the 10 IV and only then (possibly) the 10 V, would mean that they follow exactly the same scenario as before, i.e. always start supporting a model that is just being replaced by Sony with a new one, and hence its availability diminishes at sight.


Granted. That is why I ask the question in order to get an answer in the meeting. I am not really arguing for there to be a port for the 10 IV, just hoping there will be since I have one in a drawer.

I think that the Community Meeting threads are meant to only have suggestions for topics, any follow-ups or questions can be asked or stated in the meeting, not in the thread itself, that is why I suggested you rather make a new topic where you state all that is needed according to the template and make the point for rather focusing on the 10 V. Besides, the very point you are making has been made here (maybe by you?).

Actually, I agree with you, maybe it would be better to skip 10 IV than to focus on more than Jolla can handle. But for this thread and the other, I just want an answer to know what I should do with my phone.

Actually, here I would say this: Maybe you are right, but you could look at it the other way. If Jolla would work on a port for the 10 IV now and get it done before the 10 V is on the Open Devices List, maybe they could announce a port for the 10 V quite quickly after it has been added to the list of Open Devices. Don’t you think?