XA2 bricked with unsuccessful update to

I managed to unbrick my phone after whole day of trial and error, so I will post the steps how I did it:

  1. Getting into shell of Recovery Mode (it is quite likely I didn’t need to do that, and could just skip to 2.)
  • I got into recovery using this guide
  • After doing telnet I selected shell and then did chroot /rootfs /bin/bash, which took me a lot of time to figure out, and was the reason why many commands didn’t work.
  • cat /var/log/systemupdate.log to see what actually caused a problem, in my case it failed because 2 versions of aliendalvik-controll were installed, for some reason
  • rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.0 and rpm -e --noscripts aliendalvik-control-9.3.1 to get rid of the culprit and rpm -e harbour-storeman just to be sure.
  • exit reboot and try to SSH to a normally booted phone
  1. SSH into working phone (I was very lucky I was able to do that)
  • boot the phone up and look into router controller panel to get phone’s IP adress (hopefully it automatically connected to the network)
  • ssh nemo@[youe_IP_adress]
  • devel-su then pkcon refresh and reboot and my phone booted up! But work isn’t done yet, as my phone wasn’t fully updated and many apps didn’t work
  • install sfos-upgrade and do sfos-upgrade --verify which completed update and everything worked after that. Then I reinstalled storeman and aliendalvik-control and had no problems since.
    This certainly isn’t a guide, many things could be done better and it could not work on your phone as it might be at a better state, but I hope it could help you out.
    Also after experiencing all those problems I really recommend using sfos-upgrade as if I had used it I would see the update failed, would be able to remove problematic packages and do the update properly without having an unbootable phone.