I’m not aware of any Sailfish phone supporting 5G yet.
Xperia 10 III does support 5G.
5G support is different from VoLTE, which works on 4G just fine. Also from on you can enable VoLTE from mobile settings “4G calling (beta)”.
Not on Sailfish.
Pls see:
Thus on the go, but when it’s another issue.
Hi there,
does anyone know, when 5G will be enabled.
Does this depend on Sony, or on our Sailfish team?
The pull requests that sounds like at least the better part of the implementation in Sailfish were opened recently.
So maybe in the next release, whenever taht is.
This was the closest related thread I found. Didnt want to post a new one for a simple question.
Has anyone gotten 5G on X10III ?
I have never seen mine switch from 4G to 5G.
This experience for my part:
- Southern Finland and Åland islands
- networks; Elisa and Ålcom
- SFOS versions 4.6.x.x and 5.0.0.x
- prefer 5G selected on settings
- observed on areas where other telephones connect to 5G on same network/carrier
No. In strong 5G signal areas (where my iPhone consistently uses 5G) my Xperia 10 iii will sometimes briefly shows 5G after you reboot the phone or move from wifi to mobile networks, but its never for more than a few seconds before it drops back to 4 G and stays there.
No problem here (Telekom Germany, X10 III).
Switching between 4G and 5G seems to work as seamlessly as advertised.
However, I would estimate the phone uses 4G 75% of the time.
On DNA 5G works fine, I’m also quite sure it at least used to work on Elisa as well. I don’t have Elisa SIM so I can’t check. One thing to note is that if your phone is connected to WLAN it will stay on 4G.
On my 10 iii with SFOS 4.6 5G works perfectly with German and Portuguese SIM cards
No problem with SFOS 4.6 with Telia / Phonero in Norway, but i have prefer 4G set until Jolla implements VoNR.
Switches between 4G and 5G in Elisa network (Finland, X10 III -
Thanks for the answers everybody!
I thought that I could check the CSD Tool and indeed…could be that something is not right with my device…
2G and 4G gave me “PASS” on both of them.
How to proceed from here…hmm… I guess I need to flash Android and check whether the 5G radio works there and then back to SFOS… or is there something more I can do to investigate without re-flashing? It’s kind of a big task to do to my daily driver… well, flashing is not hard! But setting up everything again, apps and settings…
I have decent 5G connection in urban areas with Vodafone Germany. But whenever 5G is active the precision of my GPS decreases by factor ten, e.g. from 2m to 20m. So I mainly stay with 4G most of the time.
I’m on a X10III with a Telia FI sim and tried that CSD RF test. I get fail in the 3G and 5G tests, 4G and 2G pass for me too. However, in my current location I don’t have 3G or 5G coverage though, so maybe that’s related.
Since the Sauna release introduced 5G support, I’ve had no problem connecting to 5G networks when in coverage area. It has also worked for me when roaming in Central Europe.
Thanks for testing! As far as I know, the 3G networks have been taken down completely in Finland, so I guess it’s impossible to get PASS on 3G test here.
Is there somebody with X10III who could test with CSD tool if 5G test gives PASS in 5G coverage?
…OR… a FAIL and still get phone to connect to 5G?
CSD Tool: Settings → About product → 5x tapping on “Compile number” → Accept → All tests → RF Function check: 5G