With all due respect: isn't the advancement of supported devices a bit slow? or maybe the priority is in the wrong place?

i currently use the XA2
soon I’ll have to upgrade for battery and VOLTE reasons.
i intend on buying the Xperia 10 V since it’s the better/most modern supported phone.
the issue is that this phone by the time we have a fully functioning OS will be 2 years old,
and even right now it’s not that easy any more to find a new one in a reputable store.

you’d better find yourself x10mk3

The platform (phone) must be released by upstream (sony) first …

You can always buy various models, already flashed, on this store:

i don’t really know what that means, but wasn’t it released already in 2023?

these are old phones,i’d like to get the most modern one so i won’t have to upgrade any time soon.

Here you have the latest ones:


What does the age of the device matter when you install a fully supported OS on it.

And yes, I know there are answers to that question - none of which interest me.

An actively developed OS interests me, and not having to spend a lot of money on the hardware (rather spend part of that to support development of a fully usable OS alternative).

But I understand there’s a lot of people around who expect their phones to do much, much more, both wrt hardware and software. :person_shrugging:


In my example, the battery of my X 10 II is showing it’s age and the usb connector is loosening more and more so even charging is getting harder. So I bought a 10 V nearly half a year ago as replacement to have it aging in the shelf… The first quater of warranty is over and I never really used the device.

I would not buy a used device as replacement just to have such issues again in short time. Also having more RAM is definitely helping if you need Android Appsupport.


not sure who you address your angry message at, but i’m definitely not a worthy recipient for it.

i couldn’t care less about smartphones;
currently using the XA2,previously an old Blackberry(os10),and before that a ZTE and LG with Firefox OS.

in case you didn’t read,my battery is going bad, and same as @balta i have issues with the usb charging port.
Ram and battery life do matter(also VOLTE support), and i want to buy the best supported phone right now, so to be quiet for years to come (as software become more demanding.)

i do need android support for Whatsapp and Firefox, and support the OS by buying the license,so i’m not sure what you’re talking about.

Angry? If that’s how you want to read it.

Anyhow, it’s not like I haven’t bought a new(er) SFOS device because the old one was not adequate anymore.

I just never buy new:
a) it’s not worth the money and b) if you’ve been around FOSS & Linux for a while you just know that it doesn’t work like that. Development needs time to catch up. Usually a year for the Linux kernel & modules (to iron out all kinks and consider it stable), for a small project like SFOS probably more.


i prefer buying new and am surprised that the OS is not ready for a phone that will soon be harder to find.
that was my initial post.
i’ll just do the same as @balta ; buy now and put aside.

It never took that much time for Jolla to support an announced device like the 10 IV / V now, so you’re wrong in that point that it takes everytime as long with Linux devices.

BTW: Even on the desktop this is not true anymore, most (mainstream) Hardware is supported day one nowadays.

apple and pears comparing you are


No, I just answered to the claim that you have to use old hardware if you’re using Linux or FOSS. This was not a comparison with Jolla, the mobile space is a bit different.

For SailfishOS I’m just comparing it to older launches for Sony devices, and for that the state of 10 IV and V is a negative record.

Easier said than done. X10iii is a legacy device that can only be found second hand today. This is also my problem, since my Xperia device died I don’t have any possible replacement for Sailfish. I bought an Xperia 10IV but there is no official license yet and I’m not sure how to proceed. Is the beta port good enough for everyday use?

Also, Jolla is bad communicating their roadmap which is in particular important because if you are going to buy a phone for Sailfish you must do it before it falls off the market and hopefully a year later there will be a Sailfish port.

I bought a refurbished X10III and it was like a new one.

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Just out of curiosity I searched Amazon


2 Xperia 10 III here.

This shows exactly the problem. It’s for € 349, more than I payed my 10 V half a year ago for, and even the 10 VI is currently on sale for € 70 less, that is three generations newer hardware. Also this is one marketplace seller you have to trust with just 90% positive reviews, and you have to live with a blue phone. So this is just some remaining stock someone wants to make to money.

It doesm’t have to be that expensive.
Just a quick search:


Sorry, second page is in German.

Even in Russia, where none Xperia 10’s were officially sold I see now 8 second hand offers in range of 80-150$ on a major classifieds site. Check your neighboring countries.