Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

It’s the same for me…

Maybe the “read hooks” can be bold?

Maybe you have Whisperfish as a secondary device? I also have that and I think Whisperfish is for some reason not able to display read reciepts on secondary devices (it says in the setting that this can only be changed on the primary device, but I have my primary device set to enable read reciepts and it still doesn’t show them in Whisperfish)


Yes, it is my secondary device. Allright, that makes sense!

Since that system has only been recently implemented, you may be able to fix that by disabling and then re-enabling the read receipts on your primary device. Just going on a hunch here.

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Agreed; you’ll at least want to enable Read receipts on your device. (see picture)
(and probably have a good look at other settings, because that’s what they’re there for! :yum: )

I tested this yesterday - disabled and then reenabled read receipts on the “primary device”, but I still don’t see them in Whisperfish


Same here (20 chars)

Hello, I’ve been trying to install whisperfish for a while. But nothing to do. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks

Is there a way to completely remove a contact in Whisperfish (including uuid in db)?

You’ll have to reset Whisperfish: Frequently Asked Questions · Wiki · Whisperfish / Whisperfish - Signal on Sailfish OS · GitLab

I think you could do a session reset + identity key reset while offline, and then remove the session, and then restart Whisperfish. But maybe there’s still some trace, I’m not entirely sure.

Thanks for the help! Unfortunately this didn’t solve my issue (#682) but I will keep investigate.

Hello. I deleted the app. On the terminal I ran the following command: rm -rf ~/.local/share/harbour-whisperfish ~/.config/harbour-whisperfish ~/.local/share/be.rubdos/harbour-whisperfish ~/.config/be.rubdos/harbour-whisperfish
. But nothing to do on my Xperia 10 III. On the C2 it works, recording as a second device. But nothing to do on the Xperia 10 III. I restarted the phone several times

That is for the old, pre-migration paths. Instead of harbour-whisperfish in the commands, you need to use be.rubdos/harbour-whisperfish nowadays.


Thank very much it works.

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Just out of curiosity;
Is there a new WF version in the horizon?
Good New Year!

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Normally end of this week :slight_smile:

Happy new year!


Is registration as a new primary device currently broken? I’ve been trying it on my brother’s phone several times in the last few days, but couldn’t get it to work. Either it fails stating that there was an error, or it succeeds to the code part but I never get an SMS with the code.

I haven’t tested that for a while, but the last we heard of it, it should work. I can test it today though.

Meanwhile, could you provide the (censored) logs? Start Whisperfish from terminal with

$ devel-su -p harbour-whisperfish --verbose

and try to register again?

There should be pretty clear error message about what’s happening. It could be a registration lock or repeated attempt cooldown.


Looks like Whisperfish broke for a lot (all?) people today. We’re aware!