Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

Hi another issue i think.
I noticed it yet.

When i get new message, the notification shows no sender

So the notifications shows:


i have a problem deleting (and disconnecting) a device (Linux PC) that has not a clean synced connection to whisperfish.
As the screenshot shows the ‘disconnect’ (german ‘Trennen’) option is not highlighted and cannot be selected.
How can i remove the device from whisperfish?
Reconnecting (or refreshing?) it is not possible and results with an error on the device.

Many thanks

It’s a known issue that Whisperfish doesn’t currently show the device names properly. We’ll fix that, but I don’t think it’s going to be in the next release.

According to the screenshot, you’re trying to delete the first (primary) device, which is not possible. Signal Desktop seems to be the second device on the list, you should be able to remove that. The third device seems to be another Whisperfish.

We also should make the primary device and the current device more clear.

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The used language is currently hardcoded to English. @mkiol just says we’ll have auto-detection of language available:

… I don’t think I tested this outside of Sailjail; this may explain some things. Should be easy enough to add the dbus interface to an allow-list. Woops.

Does the contact name show in the app? What are your notification privacy settings like? Did this work in 25? Feel free to file an issue with those details, then we can discuss it on the tracker.

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Yeah, confirming. It works from command line, which in the way I run it bypasses Sailjail. Whoops indeed :sweat_smile:

Let me make an issue about it. Thanks for reporting!

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Already made a MR, untested:

Will try to test/improve it later, but at least we have a note now.


Just a quick note: We have a few new strings to translate in beta.25, so please check out the Weblate Whisperfish application and help us improve the language coverage!


In beta 25 it works.

My settings for messages

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Not yet sure how to reproduce, but I’ve added it to the tracker.

I see, so the first entry is for whisperfish on my phone, the second for my laptop and the third for my jolla tablet (with whisperfish).
Trying to connect my desktop results with an error. The debug on the desktop shows this error:

{"level":30,"time":"2024-07-04T16:41:53.285Z","msg":"MainSQL: slow query removeAll duration=49ms"}
{"level":40,"time":"2024-07-04T16:41:53.287Z","msg":"MainSQL: Database log code=17: statement aborts at 13: [\n      SELECT *\n      FROM items\n      WHERE id = $id;] database schema has changed"}
{"level":40,"time":"2024-07-04T16:41:53.288Z","msg":"MainSQL: Database log code=17: statement aborts at 11: [SELECT * FROM senderKeys] database schema has changed"}

It seems, that a new connect between my desktop (signal version 7.15.0 production - installed as described here Signal >> Download Signal for Linux) did not work any more.
I read on an other thread, that the connection get lost if it isn’t refreshed within two weeks.
Therefore the connection between my laptop (i use it daily) and my phone works but the desktop connection get lost somehow and i cannot get a new one because of an incompatible database(?) …

registering as a new Signal user doesn’t work for me. I got a Sony Xperia 10 III with SFOS and Whisperfish 0.6.0.beta.26-0. After doing the Captcha there is an error message. I tried it several times and now the Captcha is not even loaded anymore, the error message appears directly. See log files.


Thanks, I added the relevant bits of the logs to the existing issue. The last time I tried to replicate the issue (with beta.25), I wasn’t able to, but there is something there…

Quickfix release!

Whisperfish 0.6.0-beta.27

Fixes for voice note transcription, blurhash performance improvement, registration fixes.


Quickfix release, again!

Whisperfish 0.6.0-beta.28

@direc85 indentified why the UI has been slow for the past few months, and patched around it. Butter smooth again :slight_smile:


I just updated to Whisperfish 0.6.0.beta.28 and now the registration worked. Thank you very much!


Now I’ve got the next problem. I tried to link Signal Desktop to Whisperfish and after scanning the QR code and entering the device name Signal Desktop showed an error message:

Something went wrong!
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.

I uploaded two excerpts from the Whisperfish log file and the complete Signal Desktop logs.

Sony Xperia 10 III with SFOS and Whisperfish 0.6.0.beta.28-0
Arch Linux with Signal Desktop 7.14.0-1

Thanks for reporting!

It looks like Whisperfish triggered the add device process three times in an instant, and that shouldn’t happen. That’s the first issue. The linking failed on the Signal Desktop side, which is the actual issue here.

I believe we have enough information to start fixing the issue - I’ll update the known issues in the opening post.

Actually I remember that I tried the link process more than one time. After the linking had failed I chose Add from Whisperfish’s pulley menu again with the same negative result. Minutes later I tried it a third time.

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For one of my contacts Whisperfish shows the text “The recipient is not registered” and I cannot send/receive messages to/from him. The messages are however shown in signal desktop so I assume there is something wrong with Whisperfish for me. I have tried to reset identity key but it didn’t help. Is this a known issue or should I write a bug report with logs?

If you want to provide logs for this case, try to capture receiving a message from this contact, or sending a message to the contact from SD. That would yield valuable information.

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