Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

Issue is reported.


Suddenly when in low quality signal (on a ferry out to the sea) lost WF websocket connection. This was two days ago and connection never came back (status logo is stubbornly red on the cover).

Signal android works fine on my Xperia 10III / SFOS

Sending/receiving messages via WF not possible (well, obvious because no connection to wesocket).

Booting 10x has not helped.

How can I investigate?
Does it help if I try the fault finding via settings? (Settings page itself is triggering a lot of crashes now)

That sounds like an awful lot like the PNI issue. If youā€™re familiar with using terminal - either on-device or via ssh - you could try to launch Whisperfish using this command:

devel-su -p harbour-whisperfish --verbose

If you get an error message something like Error(Char { character: 'P', index: 1 }) that is the issue.

Actually, to everyone else too, the major PNI implementation work is now finally done and merged, and weā€™re approaching a new release! The latest Whisperfish release doesnā€™t contain the fix, but we know first hand the urgent need of it.

There has been a lot of other development too, so stay tuned!


Hello, thanks for the instructions, here are the parts I assume are the important bits:

2024-08-25T04:10:05.904175Z INFO whisperfish::worker::c
lient: Received receipt: 1724332812577
thread ā€˜mainā€™ panicked at /home/mersdk/cargo/git/checkou
valid uuid checked in constructor: Error(Char { characte
r: ā€˜Pā€™, index: 1 })
stack backtrace:
0: 0x5de3706380 -
1: 0x5de320fdb0 -
2: 0x5de3702238 -
3: 0x5de37061b4 -

2024-08-25T04:10:05.910326Z ERROR set up message receive
r:websocket: libsignal_service::websocket: SignalWebSock
et: Websocket error: request handler failed
2024-08-25T04:10:05.913103Z INFO libsignal_service_hype
r::websocket: Websocket sink has closed: SendError { kin
d: Disconnected }.

I can send whole verbose as PM if needed.

Nice to hear that a new version is coming again :relaxed:

Thanks for the log snippet. That is the PNI issue indeed, so itā€™s fixed already :slight_smile: We just need to get a new release outā€¦ Thereā€™s no need for the full log.


PSA: messages sent from Whisperfish with one or more attachments are silently ignored on iOS clients. That includes voice notes.

Weā€™ll try to get this fixed asapā€¦ and weā€™ll try to get a PNI release out soon too! :pray:


Hello, i tried to use Whisperfish: installed v0.6.0-beta.28 using Storeman on SailfishOS Used a different phone with the iOS version of signal running to send some messages. Registration seems to work, the other phone finds the one with whisperfish installed i want to use, but no message is displayed. When i debug i get the ā€œcharacter P, index 1ā€ error described above. Looks to me like i cannot use this version. Should i install an older version instead? Or wait for the next release?
No hurry, i really appreciate the work you are doing.
Regards, Bruno

Hold off for the next release. Itā€™s been fixed on master for a while, but there are a few other issues that we want to iron out before releasing :slight_smile:

Never downgrade Whisperfish, that has never been a solution and only makes things worse.

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This release does not fix registration nor linking yet! Itā€™s a bit more work than anticipated, so Iā€™m getting this one out already.

Whisperfish 0.6.0-beta.29

(Mostly, finally) implement PNI, thanks to @direc85

Should fix many crashes


  • Implements PNI endpoint receiving, PNI-sent endpoint receiving
  • Performance improvement for blurhash rendering
  • Empty GV2 update message fixes
  • libsignal bump
  • Use Speech Note automatic model instead of English
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