Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

It should, but there are two delete buttons. The rightmost (two trash cans) deletes the message from all devices, also from your conversation partner. The leftmost (one single trash can) is a local delete, only in Whisperfish.

The rule of thumb is: if you enter your phone number, your account gets completely reset. If you want to use an Android device without removing/resetting your account, you can use Molly as a linked device.

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I transfered my main ā€œSignal Deviceā€ using the official signalnapp ā†’ transfer account feature (to an androind running also the official signal app). Itā€™s a rare situation, at least for me. The whisperfish client was untouched at that time but was already in red status AFAIR.

i had an unknown contact that did send me an message, that i did block.
i think even on the phone i did the blocking
then after the crash i did unblock it on desktop and reblocked it again

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Since I had to reflash my phone during the update to 4.6 and read in the backup (where whisperfish was included via MyBackup) I am unable to start whisperfish. It didnā€™t help to delete the app and reinstall it. When I try to start, the cover shows the spinning circle and then just vanishes. Is there a way to achieve a completely fresh install? Thanks for help.

Yes, the reset procedure is in the FAQ

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Apparently, it has been more than 90 days since our last release. Sorry for the scary warning!

Whisperfish 0.6.0-beta.26

Voice note updates, and some other cool things!


  • Contact linking to Sailfish contacts (useful for username/ACI contacts)
  • Ignore playlists in audio player
  • Correction in attachment deletion on deleted messages
  • Graceful failure on body range errors
  • Recording of voice notes
  • Local transcription of (English) voice notes using Speech Note

Voice note transcription

To use the (currently very rough) local voice note transcription feature, see the instructions on the wiki. Currently, itā€™s only working for English speech.

  1. Install Speech Note
  2. Install a model for English (Whisper tiny for armv7 devices (Xperia 10 and below), Whisper base or medium for aarch64/newer devices)
  3. Press and hold a voice note, and select ā€œTranscribeā€.
  4. (Optional) Enable automatic transcription in your settings (battery drain warning!)

Thanks to @mkiol for writing Speech Note in a way that we can just hook into it!

Recording voice notes

Use the + button (as if adding an attachment) and select the microphone icon. Whisperfish starts recording immediately. Discard using the X, or send immediately with the send button.


My most wanted feature is here! :heart:
Thank you sincerely!

You could think of version number 0.7 alreadyā€¦ :wink:

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Three months came and went! Weā€™ve been working hard for (basic) PNI support, and itā€™s shaping up quite nicely! There are a few things to fix and one major-ish issue to tackle still, but itā€™s quickly approaching usable condition. After that behemoth lands, we start implementing contact search and sending messages to new contacts.

We have a lot more under-the-hood updates coming, and some long-awaited privacy-related features too! Even Signal Desktop gets a little happier with Whisperfish! I have a hunch that the next release wonā€™t take three monthsā€¦ Stay tuned! :rocket:

Edit: Thanks to everyone who reported bugs, new and known! Keep the reports coming!


Re reports: Iā€™m also interested in hearing whoā€™s using these weirdo features such as voice note transcription. Iā€™m also thinking to integrate a bit with Rockpool/Pebble, so any ideas up that front are very welcome!

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Woohoo, thank you so much for all the hard work and yet another new release!

PS. I happened to have a pasted url as the latest msg in ā€œNotes to selfā€ and I see html (as in ā€œ<a href=ā€¦ā€) on the app cover after the update. Iā€™m not absolutely sure but I do think just the beginning of the url was displayed on the cover before.

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Good Morning, i update yesterday to the newest Version.

I have a strange issue bug?

the First Person in my concersation is showing without Name.

Under beta 25 everything was fine

Edit : solution i clicked in settings contacts from signal.

Name was shown.
then i clicked the option again and use contacts from Sailfishos.
The name stills there

Great! I see there was some fix for message deletion with attachment. Actually that was the case for me after which whisperfish stopped receiving new messages.

Huh, thatā€™s weirdā€¦ Well, good that the name shows!

You can also link the recipient manually with a contact on your phone. You can find the option in the recipient profile page.

I created that because the automatic linking works by phone number, which is no longer always shared via Signal. The progile page still shows the Signal profile information.

We noticed that but thereā€™s no issue for it. Could you create it? Thanks!

Thank you for this update, finally voice messages, wohoo!

And the voice transcription is such a cool feature, canā€™t wait to have it in my language.

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Requested the feature upstream, @mkiol said itā€™d be possible by the next dsnote release:


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You are just amazing! Incredible all stuff you do!


Regarding the transcription feature: is the interface hidden, when the language is not english? Somehow I canā€™t find it. And where is the setting for the used language?

Wow! Amazing that you were able to reuse Speech Noteā€™s transcription capabilities. Just an observation: You have to disable Sailjail sandboxing in Whisperfish for Transcribe to be visible.


Iā€™m adding this to my priority list for the next version of Speech Note.