Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

Hmm, yes, I noticed that too but didn’t make an issue yet.

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I noticed that too - it should work as before but it does not… I’ll bisect the issue some time during the weekend, I think.

Don’t bisect too far, migrations are scary :slight_smile:

Thanks for the clarification! I’ll wait for you to implement that.
Should I open an issue on GitLab for this “problem”?

If there is anything else I can do, just tell me.
And thanks for the great update! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You may definitely open an issue on Gitlab for that!

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you can somehow link them to an existing user. i have some contacts with a phone number that is actually a signal profile guid


btw it seems that i can start a conversion with anyone that i have in a group: great!


Ah yes, that’s what I did! Thanks for refreshing my memory :laughing:

I think we should be able to file some custom field in the Sailfish contact database for it too… That’s probably what should go in said issue :’-)


Yep, you click their name and off you go :slight_smile:


Done! Contact in groups don't use device contact names, even if the setting tells Whisperfish to do so (#657) · Issues · Whisperfish / Whisperfish - Signal on Sailfish OS · GitLab


Hi, I installed Whisperfish-shareplugin-v2-0.6.0.beta_.25-0.aarch64.rpm on Xperia 10 III SFOS via file Browser RPM MimeHandler. After launch, Whisperfish cannot connect, nor can I find a way to generate a QR code for a connected additional device on the Signal app, which is on my other Android phone.
I wanted to uninstall the Whisperfish app directly from the phone, it says it’s uninstalling, but it actually stays installed and the icon doesn’t disappear. I tried pkcon and zypper but it gives me the following identical results:

[root@Xperia10III Downloads]# zypper rm harbor-whisperfish-shareplugin-v2-0.6.0.beta_.25-0.aarch64.rpm
Reading installed packages…
Package ‘harbour-whisperfish-shareplugin-v2-0.6.0.beta_.25-0.aarch64.rpm’ not found.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.

and nothing happens. I also tried installing it with pkcon and zypper but it gives me the messages below:

[root@Xperia10III Downloads]# zypper in harbor-whisperfish-shareplugin-v2-0.6.0.beta_.25-0.aarch64.rpm
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘harbour-whisperfish-shareplugin-v2 = 0:0.6.0.beta.25-0’ is already installed.
No update candidate for ‘harbour-whisperfish-shareplugin-v2-0.6.0.beta.25-0.aarch64’. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.

How can I uninstall Whisperfish? I installed Molli and it works very well.

You can install packages using the RPM file names, but when uninstalling you have to use the name of the package: zypper rm harbour-whisperfish etc.

I have had a few instances of package not uninstalling from application drawer, but from command line they uninstalled just fine. (I think one was Weather…?) Never figured out what was the cause.

Signal (for Android) doesn’t support being a secondary device, you can only register it as the primary device. Whisperfish and Molly support both. I’m not sure what was going on with Whisperfish not being able to connect. Could you describe in a bit more detail?

There are bugs (unimplemented stuff really) that causes the red icon on the cover page, for example this one which causes an internal crash. I just managed to catch and log it yesterday (finally!)


zypper rm expects the package name like so: zypper rm harbour-whisperfish-shareplugin-v2


That’s how things turned out, thanks! I’ve had an SFOS phone for about a month now and I’m learning.

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Cool! Welcome to the club :slight_smile:

I did some translations to Finnish and Swedish and left a comment to 2 Finnish already accepted strings.

About cover “unread message(s)”… I don’t get that to the cover when new message arrives. Only if I leave it unread and restart WF, then it appears on cover. Is it meant to work like this or a small bug?


That’s been a bug for way longer than I want to admit. Maybe this summer I can squash that one forever, I’ll see.

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I have an issue with messages that contain too many pictures. The first four are shown by thumbnail and can be accesses, but for the rest there is a +x placeholder that only shows the first of the rest and everything else is inaccessible.
The inability to swipe from one picture to the next within one message doesn’t help here either.

That’s sadly known too; the current workaround is to have Whisperfish dump its attachments in some Gallery-accessible location, and use the gallery to view the remaining pictures.

You can tinker with the attachment path in (iirc) ~/.config/be.rubdos/harbour-whisperfish/harbour-whisperfish.conf

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