Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

No, not yet. I really want the basics nailed down very well before I start working on it.


Whisperfish seems to have survived the bug-squashing-mayhem :partying_face:

Question: Is there something that could trigger Incognito Mode on for some reason? It was on again :thinking: for my big surprise when I headed to look for fault finding mode. And I have NOT set incognito on. I’m becoming paranoid with the incognito :crazy_face:

Not that I know of, that’s very weird. We should just yeet it out asap, actually.

I’m not gonna be missing it much :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeeting as we speak!

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How can I get WF to renew security numbers of one contact?
I set on the fault finding mode and via contact details selected to refresh and renew everything. But security numbers didnt change…

Or did they after some waiting…maybe so… :slight_smile:
I went with Android Signal and selected there “numbers verified”, dont know if that made difference…

Hello, I use the version harbour-whisperfish-0.6.0.beta_.14-0.sf4_.aarch64.rpm and yesterday I had a first conversation from extern. Could any explain me how I can start a conversation? In the app I can’t found contakts or a button to imput a contact. I deinstalled and installed it but now change. Here a screenshot with the 3 possbilitys. How can I clean all rests afte deinsalling? Maybe than it shows a entry for start a conversation?

Thanks in andvance. I use SFOS 4.4…

They only update when there’s a new exchange of messages after triggering the identity reset and session reset.

Currently, starting a conversation from within Whisperfish is not possible. You can link Signal Desktop and start a conversation from there, or you can ask your contact out-of-bound to send you the first message.

Reinstalling an application on SailfishOS does not reset the data. You can follow these instructions to reset Whisperfish, but that does not help in your case.

Thanks for the quick answer. Now I understood and installed also the Android app for searching contacts and starting new conversations. I was thinking I make a false or I had a corrupt instalation. Nice weekend…

If you have re-registered with the Android app, you will also want to link Whisperfish again.

Thanks for this tipp I add whisperfish new as second device with a screenshoted QR Code now. It works. Nice weekend

Is this not handled yet? I’m unable to finish registration of whisperfish on a new device because of the captcha challenge failing.

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There has been a recent (last two weeks) change in the captcha system, and @direc85 is taking a look at that. You may want to register Signal Android, and link Whisperfish as secondary device instead. That way, you always have a working “official” app too!


I have a question / feature request regarding stickers. Since they are not supported and they are shown as “this message is empty”, could there be some sort of an indicator that the message contains a sticker?

Here is some background for the request: Today my friend sent me a few pictures and a sticker. Some of the pictures loaded almost instantly, but others just showed “this message is empty”. After a while the last pictures were loaded and shown successfully, too. The last message was still showing “this message is empty” and I was getting a bit impatient, but found out later it was a sticker and it will not be shown no matter how long I wait.

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Done, it’ll be in the next release.



We have made a Sailfosh OS Fan Club group on Signal, if you like to join it here would be the join link:


Having audio and vieocalls would be mega cool :wink: For me, that would be the last building block to finally ditch Android support.

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I know right?! How many other apps on Sailfish have this feature already, by the way?

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Maybe it is because of my far from perfect English, but I have the impression that you saw this as an attack or accusation. But that was not my intention at all, on the contrary. If it came across that way I would like to apologize.
I use WF daily and it would be great if I could use it for the last puzzle piece as well. But as long as I can’t, I’m happy to use it anyway and I’m glad you’ve developed it so far. Thank you so much for this!