Whisperfish - The unofficial SailfishOS Signal client

You can’t migrate from Android yet. Or are you talking about keeping the history from Whisperfish before Signal Android? Neither are possible, currently.

Signal Android allows for making backups of your message database, and that’s the most probable way that we would ever support migration from Android. It’s currently unimplemented though, and I don’t expect a “soon” on that.

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THANKS for Your work!

I’m just about to start testing. But I’m not sure how to get the numbers :wink: What were/are you using? top?

Why in the world is the binary so HUGE:
18.4M /usr/bin/harbour-whisperfish


Ah! Do you have a link to work being done for Ubuntu Touch? I’d like to start making stuff I’m doing available there… And have some fragments of stuff from here and there.

Thank you very much for this very nice update. The UI improvement is indeed impressive, really well done.
This is the kind of app that allows me to keep Android support closed and I really appreciate.


We figured that issue of @pawel.spoon out on Gitlab; he was running an old -dev version where there was indeed an infinite loop.

Why in the world is the binary so HUGE:
18.4M /usr/bin/harbour-whisperfish

Yes. I know. Partially debugging symbols (apparently I don’t strip them?!), partially Rust binary size, partially the fact that it’s packed with features :wink: !

Ubuntu Touch and Plasma are currently only a thing on paper, but the process that we’ll follow is being documented here: https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/issues/318

Thanks for your kind words, @lunatix!


Thanks for the heads up. Debug symbols sounds not ‘quite’ as likely as the Rust binary. I should have guessed that it’s lack of standard libraries in distros. It’s similar for Go in my experience (running stuff like hugo for fun, pydio/cells, mattermost at work).

It is PACKED with features! Thanks for the client!

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I’ve made a note about the binary size

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Thanks for the extra effort!

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It’s late, but I figured it would benefit more people, if I posted this sooner than later. Please read carefully before proceeding - I might have typo’d something!

Kind of a PSA here: I started the update to SFOS without downgrading sailfish-components-webview-qt5 packages first, which lead me into a nice situation: The repositories were already at but I would have needed to remove (well, downgrade) the packages to the version. After a brief panic, I got it working and all is good now. These are the steps, roughly, but you should get the idea:

  • The upgrade GUI tells you to remove three sailfish-components-webview-qt5 packages
  • Go to terminal, go devel-su
  • Set release version to current: ssu re
  • Refresh repos: zypper ref
  • Downgrade the packages (source): zypper install --oldpackage --force sailfish-components-webview-qt5-1.2.14-1.15.6.jolla sailfish-components-webview-qt5-pickers-1.2.14-1.15.6.jolla sailfish-components-webview-qt5-popups-1.2.14-1.15.6.jolla
  • Set the next SFOS version again: ssu re
  • Refresh repos: zypper ref

At this point I wasn’t able to start the upgrade using Settings, not even after a reboot, so I had to do it in the command line: version --dup

After that everything went just fine, and I have a fully functional XA2U again!

PS. @rubdos there’s a typo in the command on Openrepos, there’s an extra space near the end that needs to be removed :slight_smile:


Hey @direc85, thanks! Why is it that you had to downgrade the webview-qt5 packages? I would’ve expected it to get overwritten by the Jolla update.

I would also expect that if you get the warning in Settings, zypper install --oldpackage --force sailfish-components-webview-qt5-1.2.14-1.15.6.jolla sailfish-components-webview-qt5-pickers-1.2.14-1.15.6.jolla sailfish-components-webview-qt5-popups-1.2.14-1.15.6.jolla should be enough to clear that out.

Thanks for the heads-up on OpenRepos; I thought I had already fixed that. Should be okay now :slight_smile:

I first tried to downgrade them without ssu re but as the system pointed to the repos, the versions simply didn’t exist. The message is shown after the repos are updated. It makes sense to me.

PSA: for those who are newly installing Whisperfish on their shiny 4.1 installation: DO NOT install the qt5-webview patch. This is only meant for 4.0.

Instead, there are two options:

  1. The CAPTCHA does not show up. If this happens, get in touch, because that’s a new bug (which we haven’t seen yet on 4.1).
  2. Whisperfish soft-crashes after filing the CAPTCHA. This is unrelated to the CAPTCHA, and you are most probably hit by the registration lock. Read https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/issues/148 or
    https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/wikis/Frequenty-Asked-Questions#whisperfish-crashes-right-after-filing-the-captcha (and upvote the issue on Gitlab :heart: )

Happy Signaling,


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I’m not sure if this has been asked before; what do I need to do in order to move all config data from the old phone (XA2) to new phone (10II)? I tried to copy ~/.local/share/harbour-whisperfish directory and it almost seems to work; however Whisperfish on 10II does not seem to connect, I’ve tried Settings/Reconnect.

Almost there. You also need ~/.config/harbour-whisperfish. Make sure never to start Whisperfish on the old phone again though; ascertain yourself by removing both directories, or at least renaming them on the old phone.

EDIT: also, you should edit ~/.config/harbour-whisperfish/harbour-whisperfish.conf and change nemo to defaultuser for the attachment directory. Otherwise, receiving attachments will fail.


Works fine now, thanks!

Good! I’ve edited my post, you should probably make a change in that file too.

The next version of Whisperfish (coming soon™) will be compatible with My Backup, which lets you add any application you want to your system backup, so you won’t need to manually back up those directories anymore.


Works great for new users, I just installed it for the first time, Captcha works and linking the desktop app also. Thank you for this great app!


Is it just for me, or cant we see our available contacts in Signal? Not that i know any of my contacts using Signal. But with 200 contacts, its a bit unrealistic that none uses Signal. Am i doing something wrong? The network is connected but can only write a message or create a group, but not one contact is shown. Thanks! :slight_smile: