Foreca weather app's connection issues

Since yesterday morning, Foreca has not functioned to give the weather nor has the app been able to pull data…


The whole thing just stopped working, acting like an API issue

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Its not an API-Issue because inserting an own (developer) token to the app-config make it working again, so no API-Changes on Foreca-Server

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Does the “official” Jolla store app use only 1 provider? Been using MeeCast since before I started using SFOS, recommend! Just choose a different provider.


So maybe it’s an issue with Jolla’s token?

Anyone know where to edit the API token/key? I noticed my thermostat which also uses foreca for weather not working for the last week and a half. Highly suspect.


I second that notion.

If you ask for a free trial at Foreca to use their API for 30 days, and change the Jolla credential to your own in /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Weather/ForecaToken.js , the weather is back (for 30 days).


it seems to be an official Jolla Issue. It stopped working on My 10 II an also on the 10 II of my wife… at the same time.
@Jolla what is the issue there, and is somebody looking into that? Has Jolla stopped the licensing or paying for the service to reduce costs? It is getting very quiet arount Jolla… where is the Communication with the comunity about the current situation?

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In the other related thread that is linked at beginning of this one they already confirmed they are looking into the issue: Weather-App and Widget Connection Problem - #25 by rainemak


@dcaliste gave the way to make Jolla Weather Weathe work again here:

a 30 days free trial as a workaround is not solving the problem. :slight_smile:

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Isn’t that the definition of the workaround?

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It was not to be seen as a solution, but more something to highlight the fact that the Foreca API didn’t change and the problem seems to be on Jolla side.


Really hope they’ll solve the issue as after 8 years with jolla’s weather i really can’t get used to meecast xD

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Meecast is fine, but it’s a pity that there is no intraday forecast for the events view

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That’s good, hope it gets resolved soon!

For me it looks like Jolla stopped the licensepayments or that “payed in advance service” that was booked for a defined time period, or it ended without an information from Foreca about the ending of the payed in advance service. And there is not a single official statement of Jolla (“we are looking into it”, is not a statment :slight_smile: ). So that doesn’t look healthy…

@dcaliste Thaks for testing the free trial 30 Days option. It is now obvious where the issue is hiding…


switched to use meecast. works nicely. BTW it is not possible to directly uninstall jolla weather, unless you login into the jolla store and select an uninstall through the store option.