One more time.. Global asks

I need a little help. I have got Xperia 10 III. To be easy understood i list my problems in difficulty level order.

  1. Midi. I chacked a lot of serches, and find just small hints from forum. I need to have use Beatmaking(Drum Finggering) controller control ability to keep use only one phone, in apps like Koala Sampler & Bandlab.

  2. Multiboot… Again, only small hints…

  3. Weather App sais Authentication goes wrong

  4. Writing texts by keybord with droping cursor in verses, allwas bring me back to last written word

  5. Will there be some updates? Esspecialy some key hardware fonctions.

About 3.)
For me meecast was the solution. See: SFOS ≥ 4.6 (Foreca / MeeCast): How to (re-)enable weather infos in Events View .
If you want to learn more about the problem, search for “weather app”, for example, Foreca weather app's connection issues

  1. Unfortunately, I know nothing about midi.
    But you can always search with midi as keyword in the Jolla store, Chum and Storeman.
    If you want to use an Android app, bluetooth is working for audio devices connection only (audio signal transmission, not midi control).

You can have multiboot, I believe, on the Volla phone. There are no multiboot options on Sony devices, as far as I know.

Hmm, I don’t understand 4.

  1. What kind of key hardware functions would you refer to?

Ad4. Dynamic pipeline (otherwords - flashing input waiting sign ) sticks to last written word, until pressing spacebar to confirm (making able to write/edit in any place )… Frustration, It must be somebug with dictionary, but even switched off (Supporing predictive keyboard) problem stil persist… OK I FIX IT, SWITHING OFF (delete) PREDICTIVE AND RESTART KEYBOARD SETTING

@amaretzek which fix in Storeman exacly fix it?
@ric9k I have to go look help on XDA now… x/D

MIDI is something maybe @poetaster can comment on.

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I’m a bit stuck in embedded/hardware land at the moment and just narrowly avoided implementing usbmidi for pi pico :slight_smile: snd_seq & co. are still missing from the kernel, I thought, but @vige did get midi files playing via midi devices, so doing general midi control can’t be far off? @vige were you using usbmidi?

EDIT: correction, snd_seq is there. But my GS5 certainly doesn’t know what to make of usb midi devices :wink: Must try a sony.

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To answer my own question, @vige is using GitHub - vige/tinymidi: Alsa Raw MIDI Library for IO in lieu of alsa midi. I need to look at that.


The kernels for the devices are clearly a bit different. At least the Xperia 10 III kernel doesn’t have the sequencer device, only raw midi. The tinymidi library that I used is exactly what the name implies - a really tiny wrapper around the raw midi devices. You can easily just use the device directly.

Having the sequencer support in the kernel would make things a lot easier. Especially it would make it possible to use bluetooth midi - for some reason the midi support in bluez is implemented in such a way that it doesn’t work without sequencer. I have been thinking about implementing raw midi support in bluez, but I’m afraid that’s a bit too much work given my limited amount of free time :frowning:


Sailmidi properly recoginze my device so i had hope

In Android work flawless, even no problem latency

Why sequencer support, and Bluetooth midi? I thought there is direct implementation driver done for Android?

Sailfish OS is not Android. The sequencer support in kernel allows the application to just throw the midi tracks at it and not care about the little details like event timing and such. This in turn has had the effect that pretty much all MIDI software for Linux targets the sequencer device and not the raw MIDI device - including the MIDI support in bluez.

As to the question “why bluetooth MIDI?”, is “it could be fun” good enough answer? I have a piano which supports bluetooth MIDI. The MIDI support in the piano is otherwise crap, far cry from real General MIDI support, so I couldn’t really use it for anything serious. It could be a fun hacking project to get it working though.