Give up hope I think Sailfish Port (FP5) will never exist… The topic has been discussed since February debated… Neither beta version nor a screenshot…
If mal says there is a port, than it exists. He has a track record as developer and porter.
I know that I also sometimes express myself badly (especially in writing) and people think I’m trying to attack or insult them. In such cases, it is appropriate to apologize and, if necessary, clarify the actual intention.
Perhaps you should check your post to see if there is a similar situation here and rephrase it if necessary.
Mal is not working on it because he owes you or me or anybody else something.
I (and I’m sure some others as well) are grateful and happy when/if something comes out of mal’s work, but nobody can derive a right to the port.
If someone really wants proof that the port exists then here it a screenshot of it.
A small comment of the unexpected issue mentioned in my earlier comment, when doing some final testing I noticed that USB connection to my laptop only worked for certain type of USB port while the other didn’t work as expected so I tried to figure out why that happens.
Maybe a problem of USB2 vs USB3 which exists for the Jolla official release on Sony?
USB3 seems to autosuspend.
Awesome! I guess now it’s really time to look for some good offers for FP5!
you are from russia…
Well he went around the world. Does it matter to the discussion?
Sailfish OS ports for Fairphone 4 and 5 (and of course older Fairphone 2 port) are available at Sailfish OS for Fairphones devices
What a great christmas present! Thank you so much!
Did you make Waydroid wirk?
Mal thank you for the awesome port. Great work! Is it possible to get Android apps? I’ve tried Waydroid but it doesn’t works.
All primary functions works that i always used. And the installation is very easy. No issue’s.
All in all, thank you for your great work.
Thumbs up You’re a genius
Did you configure the binder paths in waydroid if that is needed ? I think the earlier post in this thread linked to this GitHub - sailfishos-open/waydroid: Waydroid packaging for Sailfish OS, this port uses "puddlejumper,vndpuddlejumper,hwpuddlejumper”. Edit: I did some testing with waydroid but couldn’t yet get it working, need to debug more later.
I set it all up on waydroid, i succesfully downloaded lineage os. but if i want to start a android session goes to infinity loop. no chance to start it. i think when you have had time to look for it please? That would be would be great.
Mal: thank you very much for your port
There was a similar problem with Tama port
removing or commenting
lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined
in /var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid/config
I already tried that apparmor change earlier and it got starting waydroid a bit further but some services inside the container were failing.
One more thing would be to un-disable (comment out) the vibrator service droid-config-fp5/sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/disabled_services.rc at master · mlehtima/droid-config-fp5 · GitHub
Android vibration service is disabled in Sailfish and needs to be enabled for Waydroid
Dear community,
has anyone successfully installed Waydroid? If yes, how? Please explain it.
Or maybe @mal implement this on the next release of the SFos port?
Because of i really need 2-3 Android apps.
Please help me.
Video works in Angelfish browser
This is really great, thank you so much!
When Jolla’s Subscription Model would be available for the community-ported devices like Fairphone 5 - than we just need to login and download android app support. In this case my next device would be Fairphone…