Sailfish OS for Fairphones devices

Sailfish OS for Fairphone 4 and 5 is now available at Index of /images/. These are fastboot flashable images with home encryption enabled. It is recommended to upgrade Android to latest version first to get latest firmware fixes and boot to Android once and test all hardware features especially mobile data and fingerprint support to make sure everything works before flashing Sailfish OS.

Also the older already existing port for Fairphone 2 is available in the same location.

Known issues

Fairphone 5

  • Video recording in camera
  • Hardware video codecs (apps playing videos freeze, I will try to find a way to disable hw codecs until I figure out why this happens)
  • USB connections to computer not working with some USB ports, if devices seems to go into connect/disconnect loop try another USB port
  • eSIM not supported

Fairphone 4

  • Video recording in camera
  • Bluetooth has some issues after boot (mostly with audio related bluetooth devices), restarting bluetooth service via Settings->Utilities should fix the issues
  • eSIM not supported

Fairphone 2

  • Camera app hangs after first video recording after boot, recording is stored though

Thanks for Sailfish Port :+1:

can i flash my Fairphone 5 with stock rom Android 14 to Sailfish…?
Does it work flash back from Sailfish to Android Stock Rom?

Yes, you can flash Sailfish OS on a device with Android 14, and it’s recommended to have latest Android 14 on FP5 and Android 13 on FP4 before flashing Sailfish OS. Also going back to official Android 14 (or 13) works by flashing the factory image available on Fairphone website.

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mal, i think on FP4 Android 13 is required. On the Fairphone support page ( is no Android 14 for the FP4.

Yes, indeed it’s Android 13 for FP4, I edited my earlier comment.

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I guess there is no VoLTE, like in other ports, right?

Yes, unfortunately no VoLTE yet.

on the first setup i must set a pin for encryption?
Mobile Data O2 Germany would be work?

Yes, on first boot it asks you to enter a code to use when decrypting and unlocking the device during boot. Mobile data should work but no experience with that specific operator.


Thanks for this great port :+1:
the battery life is perfect…mobile data O2 work…1TB Micro SD work…

anyone can help to install chum?
i;m searching for a app to connect to my openmediavault NAS Storage via SMB share…???


If you have the latest version of OMV installed (sandworm), there is the option to activate a file browser module within OMV under services.
This way I can access the files on my OMV machine via the browser under Sailfish.
Better than nothing, I think I read somewhere that Sailfish OS kernel has no SMB support, but I cannot cite a reference and this information parked in some dark area in my nasty brain might be wrong.
Maybe someone more knowledgeable can comment.
I would also be interested in proper smb support with sync options !!

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Take a look here SailfishOS:Chum GUI Installer | — Community Repository System . This is an installer for chum store utility.

And yes. On mine FP4s the port also works very well :smiley:.
Thanks to mal for the steady support for the Fairphones.

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Chum GUI FP5 aarch64…


i have some problems with the Jolla Browser…Many websites are simply closed after being accessed…Is there a solution? perhaps Angelfish Browser???

The original Jolla browser based on a very old engine and newer web pages are not working. Angelfish seams better on some pages (eg. But on a few pages there is a problem (eg. - unsupported browser). So we have to wait that Jolla switch to a newer engine - hopefully soon™ :innocent:.
Or anybody will build a up-to-date browser for SailfishOS …

You can install a newer engine Install

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Hello @smatkovi, many thanks for this hint. i will test is soon™ on my FP4 :-).
Hopefully Jolla will switch to this version during the next release.

yes they did for c2 with sfos 5 and will with the release of sfos 5 for other phones

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Hi mr. mal, can you explain how did you get Waydroid to works? After the command “devel-su waydroid init” it pops up Waydroid starting with an infinity loading screen. I’ve tried all the instructions “GitHub - sailfishos-open/waydroid: Waydroid packaging for Sailfish OS” from here! Without success

Hello @smatkovi, it seems to work well after a short test on my Fairphone 4.
All the pages i saw an error with the old engine are fine now. Many thanks for the info :smiley:.
Edit: i see this error during rpm install: ‘su: warning: cannot change directory to /home/sailfish_guest: No such file or directory’.
And after installation pkcon and zypper had problems with openrepos repository:

root@fp4-3:~ # pkcon refresh force && pkcon update
Refreshing cache                                                                          
Refreshing software list                                                                 
Fatal error: Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Curl error 60
Error message: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

and with zypper:

root@fp4-3:~ # zypper refresh --force && zypper dup
Forcing raw metadata refresh
Retrieving repository 'adaptation-common' metadata .................................[done]
Forcing building of repository cache
Building repository 'adaptation-common' cache ......................................[done]
Forcing raw metadata refresh
Retrieving repository 'adaptation-community' metadata ..............................[done]
Forcing building of repository cache
Building repository 'adaptation-community' cache ...................................[done]
Retrieving repository 'openrepos-Ingvix' metadata .................................[error]
Repository 'openrepos-Ingvix' is invalid.
[openrepos-Ingvix|plugin:ssu?repo=openrepos-Ingvix] Valid metadata not found at specified URL
 - [|] Error trying to read from 'plugin:ssu?repo=openrepos-Ingvix'
 - Download (curl) error for '':
   Error code: Curl error 60
   Error message: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'openrepos-Ingvix' because of the above error.
Forcing raw metadata refresh
Retrieving repository 'openrepos-Karry' metadata ..................................[error]
Repository 'openrepos-Karry' is invalid.
[openrepos-Karry|plugin:ssu?repo=openrepos-Karry] Valid metadata not found at specified URL
 - [|] Error trying to read from 'plugin:ssu?repo=openrepos-Karry'
 - Download (curl) error for '':
   Error code: Curl error 60
   Error message: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'openrepos-Karry' because of the above error.
Forcing raw metadata refresh

It seems a problem with the openrepos certificate. Maybe the cache therefore must be deleted …