What is the highest Android version that SailfishOS can be installed on?

I’m curious which version of Android is the highest that you can use from here: https://developer.sony.com/develop/open-devices/downloads/software-binaries

I know using anything other than the recommended can cause issues… But, if anyone has a spare test device, can they check?

A while ago, I had nearly the same question.

I tried SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_9.0_2.3.2_v9_nile.zip for the new install of the XA2,
but something went wrong. Sorry, I can not really remember. So I used the manual to install XA2 with My effort to try & test was low this day…

It depends on particular port for the specific device. See installation instructions for your device and choose accordingly. For example, for devices which have SFOS based on AOSP8, you have to use BLOBs for Android 8.