What is exactly doing Jolla Mind2?

i have seen here a very technical topics about Jolla Mind2

this brings this simple question from a layman

what is exactly doing Jolla Mind2 ?
i mean something that could not be done on linux desktop Komputer ?

A layman answer is that Mind2 is some sort of Linux [c]omputer. You could try to run your own LLM’s on your computer and do the work to integrate all that with the Sailfish ecosystem and be rid of Mind2 - you’ll probably find why Mind2 exists :slight_smile:

Would it be possible to get the Mind2 OS to run outside of the Mind 2 ? Jollyboys is mostly a software producer, maybe this will be doable some day ?

You might also read them, as that answers your questions:

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i read this topic and this is precisely because i read it that i asked my question
what is exactly doing Jolla Mind2 ?
i cannot see here anything about that

i am not asking how things can be done but what are the things that can be done
a simple example would help
excuse me if i look dumb !

Does this help? https://www.youtube.com/live/1nEC3sVExAU?t=1702s

Marketing obviously was never an exceptional talent of Jolla. Please drop simply 5-10 words, for what this Mind 2 is good, a few examples what it can do for one who is not in the mood to watch a 1,5 hours video again, that leaved few impression about what Mind 2 really can do (and how). Please leave a few words that a housewife can understand!


Further information what is the Jolla Mind2 and what is the current progress of the development can be found in this thread: Jolla Mind2 progress

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The example from the video reminds me of a manually (from the keyboard) controlled workflow. I remember COBOL procedures. There had to be a list and a sequence of launching them in order to achieve the expected result. I cannot imagine that I would carry out the activities of my “workflow” in such a way, either at work or at home. But I belong to a different generation, or I probably don’t understand it at all, but that’s my problem. :frowning:
To be clear, I have nothing against Mind2!!!

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this is exactly what my question was

and it looks beyond the capacity of some guys who answered here,
maybe i should ask the question to Jolla Mind 2?

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Some of the guys (and girls) who respond here are only trying to help. It’s often beneficial to ask the right question, too.
Hasn’t the video cleared all your doubts though? The examples shown there and the explanation are basically what Mind2 can do.

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i am very aware of the willingness of the guys (and girls) who respond here

although i can read and write it english is not my speaking mother language so i cannot follow well enough an almost 2 hours video without loosing much of the content

besides that i thought my question was quite right when asking like @Seven.of.nine “a few words that a housewife can understand”

I linked the video carefully at the stage where Mind2 is showcased. Youtube has CC and can also translate. You don’t need to watch 2 hours (although the video is quite well made, so it’s worth it).

If the few words that anyone could understand are not available, feel free to put them together. This is what our community is for. Jolla can’t hire an expensive marketing team, so don’t expect the same level of output that similar [but bigger] companies produce.

thanks for your help
i listened to your linked video and i must say i do not understand well enough as i said to have any comment about it
so i am giving the idea of getting any simple answer at my question!!

however if a few words from you could explain please “feel free to put them together”