What actually is Aurora OS and who is using it?

Well, boys and girls to learn. Some years ago i dropped in a meeting, where telecompany was choosing soft for/in DMZ area. They discussed about Nginx. I said it’s technically good BUT… Some guys said bit angry “WHAT BUT!!!” . Meetingtime unfortunately ended. God was pleasent as in next night got email where ex ngingx boss announced to good customers. Our Moscow office was " attacked" by FSB, and ex owners ( two russian millionare fellows) were arrested. Well, those two guys had sold Ngingx some months before and returned “home” for holidays. BIG mistake, Putins dream was crushed and those guilty shall know. 20-50 million company/nations/ organisations no more at his fingers. So, to use Aurora or what name happens to be, good luck. Well, forwarded mail to angry boys…just to learn

I’m really excited to be using the state of the art Freedom software - Sailfish OS since the beginning, and to be getting software update every other year recently, for my several year old half functioning Sailfish phones!!

And come ON you guys leave the dictator alone. 50 million is probablly peanuts for him. He probably bought the new owners. I just read this:

Military Watch Magazine: No 5th Generation Fighter Can Compare to Su-57 in Testing
:heavy_minus_sign: “Thanks to the Su-57’s participation in operations in Ukraine since early 2022, it is still completely unrivaled among fighters of its generation in terms of the degree of testing in high-intensity battles,” the publication writes.
:heavy_minus_sign:It is reported that the aircraft solves a wide range of tasks in Ukraine: destroying air targets, delivering precision strikes, and suppressing air defenses.

Either Putin bought Military Watch or the magazine is infested with Russian spies to be spreading such a disinformation propaganda…


And what about blini recipes?


Only pancakes in here!)))

It is kind of funny. Finland, EU, US have less and less money to invest in real economy, because all the money was sucked into stock exchange gambling and the “bad” and “undemocratic” countries develop engineers and real economy.

I won’t be surprised if in the future we buy Aurora OS phones in the EU and Jolla (the developers) are payed by the RF.

Now explain to me why? Why the “developed” world is lacking behind? IT all unfolded right infront my eyes starting around 2000 - well it became obvious after 2008 and painful by 2018 … just add another 8y - 2026. I can prophecy that it will become even worse.

Sorry for a bit OT


Guys are these shaped good enough for the EU standards?

Hopefully we still have some fact-checkers left employed with The Ministry of Truth!
Unless Zuckerberg fired them all in these turbulent times of scientific advances…


You might be right, after all.

The Big Boss advised Europeans to learn Russian within the next 4 to 5 years. I guess next he’ll start importing Aurora OS devices as We the People in the EU value diversity!

Too bad for Jolla. Once, the unique, gesture based Sailfish OS would stand out. Today its lacking behind iOS and Android which are way more fluid.


Highly appreciated people with sense of humor in the forum.