What actually is Aurora OS and who (if anybody) is using it?

I know that Putin’s Russia has been working on their own independent internet infrastructure for a long time now.

Why? To be independent of the usa, “just in case” or actually preparing for WW3? :person_shrugging:

In any case, I guess AuroraOS is one part of that.
There’s also a desktop Linux distribution, I forget the name.

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To my knowledge, they made AuroraOS also a lot more closed-source from the SailfishOS / Mer base. I think this was intentionally and they have learned to use this approach from Google closing more and more open-source parts or core apps in Google-Android as compared to AOSP.

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I guess they are especially worried about backdoors in the OSes made by their supposed enemy.


And to not relies on technology built in the U.S.
Anyway I got that with Russia’s recent actions Jolla did retrait from that path, I am correct?

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As they own/owned more than half of Jolla, probably they own the code as well.
I understood that russian government institutions have to use Aurora OS already, is it true that for those phones is not possible to install Apps on the phone and only somehow in the cloud, and everything is stored there?!? Anyway, I am fascinated about this development, Russia for sure have the capacity and capabilities to do a good job.


A ‘good job’ rather depending from the point of view. I don’t see anything good in a closed Ecosystem in absolut control of (any) state. Even Android is more open since key components are available and allow the construction of degoogled Android distributions, which is most likely not possible for any AuroraOS device.


I ment a good job for them :slight_smile: …not for end user like us.

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The same is applicable for SFOS. You should to perceive AuroraOS as Googled Android with the all closed spying stuff. As long as SFOS is open there is possibility to make deAurored distributions.

Mh. Are there any? Won’t one need at least the kernel and some key components from the (closed) Aurora image?

RosTelecom bought last 25% of OMP, now the sole owner


Excellent article!

Thank you @simosagi.

Translated to English:


So OMP is completely separate from Jolla? This means Russia is going all in on Aurora OS. As much as I despise the Putin regime, I think this is a good thing for us. Although little has come down from Aurora OS, it makes Sailfish look more sustainable.


I’m sorry to ask: what was the topic of this thread?


That’s how much anyone here values your political opinion. And no, putting it in made-up [off] tags doesn’t make it somehow acceptable here.

And until then Sailfish looks more sustainable.


Murder and genocide are not opinions and condemning such things is neither “ignorance” nor “BS”.

I had high hopes for Aurora when it was first announced. It made total sense to me a state which may be in the crosshairs of western services would want to rid themselves from Android spyware.
Sadly their contributions to SFOS seem not to have been all that great.


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Manufactured Consent is a thing

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I think nobody is happy about this outcome but what alternatives did Jolla have?