so… tried it again, both session and container are indeed running, tried logcat, it is kind of hard to make out anything, since it keeps going and going, however there appears to be an issue with android.hardware.vibrator, at least it seems to hang on that and then resets?
I read somewhere that it needs to be activated, but I am not sure how?
I am trying to copy and paste the entire log, but it just keeps going, and nothing I try to stop it seems to work (so I can copy parts), any hints?
specificially it says:
ServiceManagement: Waited one second for android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default
SerivceManagement: getService: Trying again for android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default…
does this like 20-30 times and than it seems to restart
so I assume this is the issue?
though I have no clue how to solve it… any ideas?