WayDroid on SFOS?

so… tried it again, both session and container are indeed running, tried logcat, it is kind of hard to make out anything, since it keeps going and going, however there appears to be an issue with android.hardware.vibrator, at least it seems to hang on that and then resets?
I read somewhere that it needs to be activated, but I am not sure how?
I am trying to copy and paste the entire log, but it just keeps going, and nothing I try to stop it seems to work (so I can copy parts), any hints?

specificially it says:
ServiceManagement: Waited one second for android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default
SerivceManagement: getService: Trying again for android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default…

does this like 20-30 times and than it seems to restart
so I assume this is the issue?
though I have no clue how to solve it… any ideas?

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I presume you are using Sony Tama. The SFOS releases 4.2 and 4.3 for Tama have the updates to fix that vibrator error. Any chance you might be using an older image?

Specifically for 4.3 release though, you have to disable dnsmasq service for waydroid to run. Refer to https://github.com/sailfishos-open/waydroid

For the vibrator problem, this helped me: (shouldn’t be needed if you are using a recent Tama release):
Edit “/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/disabled_services.rc” and remove the line “service vendor.vibrator-1-0 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service_HYBRIS_DISABLED” and restart the device


Yes, I am using a ZX2c with 4.2
had to download nano first to make the change to the file and… it worked!! thank you so much, hopefully everything else will work flawlessly from now on :slight_smile:

edit: since this is a system within a system… that would mean if I wanted to input korean/japanese text, I would have to set that up inside waydroid, right? whatever I do on the SFOS level doesn’t really matter, right?

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As @lal explained, fix should not be needed in 4.2. All you would have to do, is to update the packages. 4.2 had an updated config which took care of it.

Exactly the same problems I have on the Pinephone.
No matter if I installed Waydroid settings or Waydroid Runner.
After I solved the dnsmasq problem, the container and the session are running according to Waydroid status. But I can’t get a GUI to work. Currently I am on Waydroid settings and I noticed that the SFOS GUI crashes after booting, but comes back. there is no other software installed except Chum.
Unfortunately I’m too stupid to stop the logcat in the terminal to read what the problem is there.
Can I redirect the logcat to a txt file ? and if so how to do that ?
Thanks for your help.

devel-su waydroid logcat > some_file_name.txt

If the command doesn’t terminate after a while, simply interrupt using ctrl + c. I don’t know if this is the right way, but been doing that.

You don’t have to understand it :slight_smile: After writing the file from Logcat and a restart of the Pinephone ran suddenly Waydroid. The only change I made was not to load the session automatically when starting the phone. The SFOS GUI crashes when loading the session but comes back. Very strange.

waydroid runner update in Chum today - what’s the update ?

Release notes could be used for it :slight_smile: . It has @piggz changes for stop/starting session if something went wrong

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Sounds great and thanks to all making it possible! I’ve been looking for this kind of Android solution for a while. Does anyone know if bluetooth usage from within Waydroid is possible?


I’d be very surprised if WayDroid doesn’t have the same limitations as Jolla’s Android App Support. That limitation, contrary to popular belief, isn’t there just to mess with people.


The new Here WeGo is now a totally broken app on an iPhone. Is it usable as an offline GPS Map on Android, because it’s basically useless on an iPhone now??

Excuse my stupidity, but I installed Waydroid 1.2 and Waydroid Runner 0.3.1 on Xperia X using latest wonderful Chum 0.3 with any luck.

When I run devel-su waydroid init I get the following error:

[defaultuser@XperiaXDualSIM ~]$ devel-su waydroid init
[08:40:13] Failed to load binder driver
[08:40:13] modprobe: FATAL: Module binder_linux not found in directory /lib/modules/3.10.84
[08:40:13] ERROR: Binder node "vndbinder" for waydroid not found
[08:40:13] See also: <https://github.com/waydroid>
Run 'waydroid log' for details.

Any clue?

Did you install with zypper in...? All deps should have been automatically added. I haven’t tried with runner, I’ve been using Waydroid Settings, but have done the process 4 times, and works fine…

I wonder if your phone is supported? Do you know whether others with your device have reported it working?

Yep, reading more carefully the entire thread I got Xperia X is not supported. As far as I understood there is something that prevents to run Waydroid: but what a shame - that’s exactly a phone where Waydroid could be useful to replace the proprietary Jolla-solution stuck at Android 4.4 version.


The limitation in Jolla AppSupport isn’t there just for fun, it is an actual limitation because of too old kernel. More or less exactly the same that stops WayDroid from working.

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it seems I can’t see any android apps exposed to SFOS launcher.
I have the waydroid-settings installed.
Tried also to start/stop daemon without any luck.

The readme https://github.com/sailfishos-open/waydroid says nothing about it,
any ideas?

TBH, I am using waydroid-runner instead of -settings. Maybe some -settings users can comment

what’s the diff between the -settings and -runner? Can I just uninstall -settings and install -runner?