Volla Installation guide

Doesn’t work for me either. Flashing starts but no matter which sp flashtool v5 I take, I end up with a white screen (divided) multi color. Error 0x000400040 to large something… very sad. Any idea? I have the cached file from installer.

I have 2 older rephone. One with ubuntu touch and one with sailfish working, coming from Android 11. Is it possible to clone these?

Good question. Sadly, I’m not knowledgeable enough where the android side is concerned.

That sounds ‘strange’. Just a guess, but I think this is a hardware issue. So far, everyone who has had a similar issue and followed @lispy has succeeded (well, I think that’s four people so far?) Can you make a photo of what the screen looks like? Sounds interesting.

It is brand new - was…!

Unless you dropped that 2 meters onto pavement, I’d send it back if you can!

It just came back because of new display. With Android 12!!! I have had sailfish on it before.

Maybe I’ll try a aosp gsi install, but i don’t know how this works yet. But it is possible. Wrong flashing is at least my fault, sadly.

Which version nr. sp flash tool v5… did you use? Windows.

tool v5 with windows…

Have you bricked your phone with AOSP GSI image? or Sailfish…

Volla flash bircked it, cause I needed Android 11 to reflash sailfish. I had a broken display, send it to repair it and it came back with Android 12.

Version Nr.? 5.xx xx xx

probably 5.1924 … I used 5.1916 for linux which worked fine (but not on a Volla22/GS5 but on a GS290)

Thanks so far for all your help. I’ll send it back in to pro repair. Must be a hardware defect. I’m flashing since 2012 and never had so much trouble. Let’s see. But then I get it back with Android 12 again, I need a new method to flash sailfish. Otherwise new rephone are not flashebal with sailfish. The rephone is worth it to be supported for a longer time, would be nice and sustainable. Good thing that I have 2 working nicely.

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My new Rephone is on Android 12 i have installed a GSI Image

works perfect

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With the Gigaset GX4 (not PRO), de-bricking worked with SPFlashToolV6 only to restore the bootloader. Afterwards, flashing different operating systems worked without problems. It is further described here: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/the-volla-x23-gx4-thread/15726/91

Thank you for your stories. They helped a lot. :slight_smile:



I am trying to follow the steps, but I get the following error:

product: k69v1_64_k419
Sending ‘boot_a’ (32768 KB) OKAY [ 1.401s]
Writing ‘boot_a’ OKAY [ 0.578s]
Finished. Total time: 2.080s
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::out_of_range’
what(): basic_string::compare: __pos (which is 496) > this->size() (which is 0)
./flash.sh: línea 38: 1367 Abortado (`core’ generado) fastboot flash super super.img
flash super error

I have VollaOS 12-20240202 installed.

thank you very much

hmm i have the dark feeling that i did experience that one too, but it is years ago, if at all
are you running the script on linux, windows, mac ?

search in the forum for:
basic_string::compare: __pos

and you will find some hits for other volla or gigaset devices, as the porter and the scripts are very similar, they may help you


Which device was that? GS5 ?

Did you wipe the user data and cache partitions (in recovery)?

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I’m using Fedora, I will follow your search instructions…

Thank you very much!