Upgrade to Cannot unlock phone and other weirdness

REPRODUCIBILITY: every boot after upgrade
HARDWARE: Xperia XA2 Ultra single SIM


When I boot into the upgraded OS:

  • I can enter my passphrase normally the first time (white on black)
  • it boots to the lipstick UI, however my ambience has been replaced by the default blue lighthouse
  • I cannot swipe left or right or otherwise unlock the phone
  • everything that does not require to unlock the phone appears to work normally
  • I can switch to the Guest account (which I set up some time ago iirc) and use it
  • I can shut the phone down normally
  • I have not tested calls or messages, but email appears to be working normally


Upgrading from => through the UI.

Before upgrade I got a “Please remove or revert the following packages” message. Since there is strong opinion on this forum that this message basically means “If you continue, these packages will be removed” I continued with the upgrade, of course only after taking a good look at the list: angelfish, optional KDE/Qt packages, some more Openrepos/Chum packages. And aliendalvik. OK, I thought, that shouldn’t break the system.


  1. upgrade as described above
  2. reboot


I can continue using the phone as before the upgrade, with all my user customisation/data intact


I cannot unlock the phone and it seems that some settings (ambience) have reverted while others (Email, top menu customisation) work just like I configured them.
I can shut the phone down normally.


Chum & Openrepos are installed, as well as some packages from there. I tend to sometimes edit system files, most notably some additional configuration to /etc/ssh/sshd_config*. I manually created desktop launchers in ~/.local/share/applications and edited some under /usr/share/applications. User scripts in ~/.local/bin. Probably more.


  1. Booted into recovery & telneted into the system.
  2. Unlocked & mounted /home
  3. Chrooted into /rootfs.
  4. Enabled persistent storage in /etc/systemd/journald.conf, undid steps 3-1 and then repeated them.

In the chrooted system I gathered some information.

I can look at last boot’s journal entries. Looking at errors only I notice this:

XA2 fpslave[2359]: fpsettings_scan_directory: /usr/lib/sailfish-fpd: can't open directory: No such file or directory

There are 3 fpd/fingerprint packages installed: sailfish-fpd sailfish-fpd-slave-binder sailfish-devicelock-fpd and none of them list this path (see zypper listing).

Beyond that I’m honestly stumped as to what might be happening.

Here is all the output I gathered:

journalctl, errors only
journalctl, grepped for fingerprint
full journalctl output for the last boot (journalctl -b -1)
zypper listing all installed packages

Hardware and OS version:

bash-5.0# cat /etc/*release*
# This file is copied as hw-release (analogous to os-release)
NAME="Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra"
PRETTY_NAME="Xperia XA2 Ultra"
NAME="Sailfish OS"
VERSION=" (Sauna)"
PRETTY_NAME="Sailfish OS (Sauna)"
NAME="Sailfish OS"
VERSION=" (Sauna)"
PRETTY_NAME="Sailfish OS (Sauna)"

PS: I have seen this but it does not seem to help/apply here.

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Small addition: I performed the filesystem check offered by the recovery script. Apparently all is good, no errors reported.

Still investigating. I have trouble parsing all that journal output.

Found this in the full output:

systemd[1]: Stopping Dispatch Password Requests to Console...
sailfish-fpd[2356]: *** SLAVE TERMINATE
sailfish-fpd[2356]: sighnd_handle_signal: Got signal [15] Terminated
systemd[1]: Stopped target Remote Encrypted Volumes.
fpslave[2359]: fpcontrol_master_rd_cb: master hangup

And a little later:

audit[1]: SERVICE_STOP pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='unit=sailfish-devicelock-encsfa-fpd comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'

I have no idea if it’s normal to start/stop the fingerprint service(s).

I can’t look at systemctl status output in the chroot, and I can’t ssh into the phone when it’s booted into the UI.

I just realized looking for fingerprint problems only is a logical error - I should be looking for device lock problems.

I have the same problem, when i do the upgrade, i can not get past the unlock screen and get the blue lighthouse ambience. I also noticed that on bootup the time the spinning circle is shown is very long. Ido not use device encryption.

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Oh that’s interesting.

So you do get an unlock screen? Is it for the SIM PIN or the OS (mine is for the OS; afaiu a passphrase or PIN is mandatory even without encryption)?
And whatever you enter, you’re stuck there?

Are you still hoping to find a solution?

I do; SIM card currently resides in a different phone.

I tested the update to 4.6 about 5 times, i was always greeted with the blue ambience. I thought it was patchmanager related, so i uninstalled all patches, checked if the fpd packages were updated, reinstalled lipstick packages, since i could access the phone via ssh. Tried sfis-upgrade, nothing helped. On one installation attempt it worked, but the system wasn’t properly updated, half of the new packages were missing. I just restored my old rootfs and home backup and gave up.

Lucky you, I don’t have the option to redo the upgrade.

Currently reading [Release notes] Sauna - #124 by mjtorn and onwards (@nthn - @mjtorn dialog)

I managed to get in via ssh.

I mean while the full OS is running, not in recovery. By some fluke I was able to connect to wifi without any unlocking.

Now things look much better.

I seem to remember olf had a nice command line upgrade tool somewhere.


Nope, that didn’t work either. Not the upgrade, not a downgrade to
I had to reflash in the end. Read on…

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So. Let’s recap. After the initial problem as described I had to do a full re-flash of the OS.

  • I had a very specific issue: not being able to unlock the phone and no custom ambience.
    No messages or hints in the logs either, after apparently succesfully upgrading from to through the UI.
  • I reflashed the phone completely, and after a reboot it works normally, as expected
  • I had a full backup of the complete /home folder and moved defaultuser into place while in recovery. After a reboot, I have the exact same problems again!
  • So I moved the original /home/defaultuser back, and voilá, it works again like a freshly-installed SFOS.
  • I tried moving parts of the folders under the backup /home/defaultuser into place on the new /home/defaultuser, one subfolder at a time, rebooted, and it always worked again (except for the ambience), all the way until I replaced all folders with their backed-up versions. In other words, I now have /home/defaultuser completely restored from backup. The only thing I changed was to copy the two empty files jolla-startupwizard-* from the new ~/.config to the restored.
  • Then I also replaced the folders /home/.system and /home/.android and /home/appsupport-root. I’m honestly no sure about /home/aquota.user anymore. I did NOT replace the zypp cache directories.
    Everything still works after a reboot.
  • Then, just for shits and giggles, I moved /home/defaultuser as it was created during the flashing/first boot back in place. After a reboot, still works. Then I moved the originally backed-up /home/defaultuser in place again, and voilá, same problems again.

Now I moved my strangely “recreated” /home/defaultuser back again and it works and looks just like before the upgrade (well, after re-installing all the software), accounts, calendars, top menu customisations, everything except for the custom ambience.

Each of these changes was performed in recovery, followed by a reboot into the UI.

My buest guess: while the upgrade itself went OK, something inside /home/defaultuser broke it.

I thought I could trace it back by gradually replacing all subfolders, but could not because it fixed itself during the process.

In case somebody has an idea what to look for, I still have the pre-upgrade backup and a backup of the newly created /home/defaultuser.

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If people could just disclose that they broke their home folders so the rest of us could ignore those “bugs”, that would be great.

I explained it well enough, your summary is disingenious at best.

If you don’t want to read it, don’t comment on it.

You’re getting increasingly toxic, attah.

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Or wait… the initial problem was not related to such a restore? In that case; sorry!
I read your last post as recap of full process, not recap of troubleshooting.

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The exact same problem (device boots to interactive lockscreen, but there is no unlock option) happened on our device. Creating a new home directory and copying over all files also fixed it. I tried running diffoscope between the old and new directory trees, but I couldn’t find any meaningful differences (there were some minor permission changes, but recreating the old permissions made no difference), seems quite cursed :person_shrugging:

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