Upcoming Jolla phone

Be gentle…I have been away for a while.

I used SFOS on my Experia 10iii and really enjoyed it…but…could not type on that skinny phone AT ALL. Tried several work arounds, none worked. After 6 months the sacrifices just were no longer worth it.

Switched to a Note10 + with Lineage4Micro G and moved one.

Today I saw Jolla has a new commuinty edition phone coming out. Does anyone know which model it is going to be?

For the price I might try to love SFOS again.

Well its based on the Reeder S19.

The screen is: 6,52" 1600 x 720

Also the thread on the forum with the Q&A: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/jolla-community-phone-q-a/18666


My god, yes. This. I switched to that phone yesterday, because I’m curious about Sailfish OS, but man… That keyboard on that slim screen… Annoying!

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There is a patch in patchmanager for ‘tall’ devices that moves the keyboard up with a blank line at the bottom. It is still a little bit narrow but it helped to get a better, more natural grip on the phone while typing.


I have small hands and got used to typing on default 10 III keyboard… Now making much less errors, but it took very long to get used too.

(without any patch actually)

I’m gonna check it out, thanks.

tried it . Did not work for me.

Did not work or did not help?

Which one is it, actually? I can only find one to adjust keyboard height, which is not compatible with my version of Sailfish OS.

it helped, but did not make it where I could type well enough not to get frustrated to the point of leaving SFOS. If there was a wide body, semi premium phone available with SFOS I feel I would have never left.

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If you consider community ports: the Volla Phones (or Gigaset) are well supported and come with a classic 16:9 aspect ratio

For typing i always use a stylus. This works fine. With finger it’s a pain. But possible if using the small finger.

but…could not type on that skinny phone AT ALL

Yeah, I struggle with accuracy too, even after all this time. That’s why I loved my XA2 Ultra so much!

As I switch between Finnish and English keyboards a lot, and they have different amount of letters in rows two and three, there’s even less chance to develop muscle memory :smiling_face_with_tear:

No clue how C2 performs, we’ll see! I expect X10IV/V be very similar to type with compared to X10II/III.

Edit: Welcome back, in any case!

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What is available right now is ‘configurable keyboard height’ patch. For me it works fine with a 4.6. Try setting version check to ‘no check’ in patchmanager settings, if you haven’t already.


Thanks a lot, I found it and I disabled the check. It works and it also helps a little.

I probably just underestimated the slimness of the device and it doesn’t have so much to do with the keyboard itself. I guess, it’s also a matter of getting used to it, like it is the case with the gestures.

Modifying the “sensitivity” of edge swipes has made that a lot better, for instance.


I am more the kind guy of that is usually getting used to things than the one than complains or changes them.

But even with the very dense German keyboard I get along pretty well. I take the extra time as a gift and think more about the things I’m typing. Even that doesn’t help sometimes.:slight_smile:

I won’t invest hours of my time into changing things that would maybe save me minutes in a year. The screen size is what it is and there’s still landscape mode for the terminal.


Have you considered OKboard and swipe texting? It suits the thin keyboard, but perhaps it’s not available in your native language?

WOW, we sure got off topic =)

I am interested in the new phone coming out, not keyborad fixes for the phone I have already abandoned ( after trying numerous work arounds ).


No issue here typing on an X10III apart from the accuracy of OKBoard.
I must have slim fingers…

I don’t think display slimness is the problem, it was easier to type on xperia 10 III on android than on Sailfish. Maybe android recognizes touchpoints better or something. Sometimes I like to type horizontally so keys are bigger.