Unable to use phone with one hand

It’s good to see so many replies, to bad that I have very low hopes this will be considered as a viable fix. Even here some users thinks it’s waste of time which is of course not.

I should also mention that just scaling down the ui is not the way to go. It’s the easiest way but the worst one. Of course the pulley down is one example where the one hand usage is a place where it shines but there are more places.
The keyboard is one of it, currently operating it with one hand is bad, doing this with two hands in landscape mode is also a pain.
So what’s left is using kind of a dual hand mode in portrait mode but it’s not perfect.

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I use all my phones like that and there is nothing wrong with that! :slight_smile:

Android/Jolla Sailfish/Ubuntu Touch = All fine! :+1: :+1:

well then you probably did you the right phone cause it seems this bad design is fine for you cause you don’t know it can be better. Or you just don’t bother.
Yet still it doesn’t mean it’s good. For example on Xperia 10 the keyboard in landscape mode - doesn’t mother if split or not - has a problem with the edge letters being to close to the edge of the phone. IT’s very cumbersome to actually try to press those.
That’s why I actually started this topic:

cause I’d like to make it a bit narrow to add space on it’s edges so it will be much better to actually press letters like “qaz and mlp” for example.

Or I simply use the device as intended! :wink:

I know plenty of alternatives phonewise but none of them would solve the issue…

A hardware keyboard would ofcourse be a lot better indeed! :wink: :smiley: