Keyboard changes

I’m trying to tweak keyboard a bit for this I need to disable the swipe to language change
and use that swipe to something else.
Right now I’ve analyzed the following files in the /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla dir:


from these files I can see only the swipe to close gesture but it seems I’m unable to spot where’s the swipe to change language.
There’s this one file of course:

but from what I understood it’s only to display language swipe hint but it’s not handling the actual language swipe action.
Maybe someone could drop me some hints where I should look for it or what I’m missing here?


need the same - disable swipe to change layout.
i am used from JP-1 if i hit wrong letter so i do not release touch but simply move my finger and release on the correct letter…
with more than one kb layout in recent OS it works only for up and down …