There is NO way this update was tested. Nothing hardly works

Multiple release branches. Right there on the update screen. Experimental / Update/ previous with the understanding that you may be exposed to vulnerabilities that were fixed in the update branch.

trust me If I could go back a few versions I would.

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Well, I could do, but…

Since ‘someone like me’ is clearly beneath contempt for you, I won’t bother.


I first thought you’re a non-technical perosn who’s angry because you paid something while expecting another. But it seems you’re with Jolla’s adventure for some time so if you’re keep buying their services and OS, while knowing its limitations, I don’t understand your anger.
No one is forcing you to continue buying into the company’s products. If the product isn’t satisfying, give your constructive feedback and/or use another one.
No need to be harsh or rude to anyone here…
But it seems more a troll post. So I’ll stop commenting here and I’m off this discussion.


I guess I was thinking something like debian old-stable, stable, testing, etc. Frankly I don’t understand how the release strategy works vis-a-vis devices, which I think is a part of the problem.

For instance, I have LESS issues, it seems with a community volla phone and the transition from 3.4 to 4.3 though there are a couple of annoying bugs. That seems really weird, since the releases seem focused on devices where you would expect less problems.

I need to ask @mal @rinigus @piggz and co. what they think.

Lastly, I’ve always avoided Sony hardware since they gave up on the MD format :wink: Oh, and intellectual property foo.

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You’d probably have better results if you didn’t approach your issues with derision and vitriol. If your goal was to have your post dismissed outright… you’re on the right path.

That aside, I’ve experienced none of the issues you’re reporting on either of my devices.

Your gripes are trivial feature requests, not bugs. Your inexperience is blatantly obvious when you have issues with fundamental things like management of third party repositories, metrics gathering and basic troubleshooting.

Passive aggressive “bug reports” whining about user error while using an alternative mobile operating system? What did you hope to accomplish? Do you feel better? Perhaps you’re better suited for the Android or iOS “communities”.

Best of luck.


I think the biggest issue about SFOS is not the number of bug but the communication (or more specifically the lack of it).
A public wishlist for missing feature would be a great think so there would be a direct user - dev communication what people needs to see in their hands when they use SFOS.
On the other hand a clear development roadmap would be very nice, so at least we could see a rough plan what Jolla wants to do for the next 12 months or something like that.
Also a more fixed, time based release schedule - something like weekly beta builds, and stable on every 6th week - would be really nice, so we could have more predictable updates, what I miss currently.
Personally I miss the features I would expect from a modern smartphone focused OS, not the fancy proprietary apps. Features, like a Wallet app, better CardDAV/CalDAV support, more recent browser engine, PWA support, „official” RSS reader, Telegram integration. I need built in feature, shipped with the OS instead of 3rd party apps (either Android or native), because I think this is the best way to ensure consistent UX.


You know… I still use MD? There’s something delightful about physical media that can survive being tossed in a backpack with tools and a bunch of other crap.

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To ensure we’re not blowing smoke here, let me actually mention that some of the issues described here are ones I’ve experienced myself.

MMS, especially with T-Mobile, fails downloads if you are connected to a wi-fi network. Doesn’t matter if you have mobile data on, it will try, and fail, until you disable wi-fi. I’ve even had downloads lock up, and indeed, restarting the phone is the only way to make it cancel, and become possible to download again.

Up to 4.3, I would regularly miss calls, and have calls go into a sinkhole without ever dialing out correctly. I’ve had call failures where both I and my recipient cannot hear each other. Takes a second call sometimes. This issue seems to be fixed for me now, whatever caused it at all. However, I find myself having to call my voicemail in order to receive texts, especially with 2FA.

I’ve regularly had my phone drop from 4G to 2G for no good reason, and stay there until I do an airplane mode cycle. GPS only ever worked with 3.2 on my XA2, and has been broken ever since. The newer Android versions have made apps a little snappier, but I see apps turn off regularly now since the newer AD seems to take more memory to run.

And naturally, awaiting VoLTE support, and group SMS support. I’m sure there’s an argument to be made for XMPP in place of group SMS, but that’s the same issue that happens with making someone pick Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal, Discord, etc. and people don’t want or need ANOTHER chat app, especially not sailors here. I’m not asking for RCS, and no one else is. Basic multi-recipient simultaneous texts in a group chat format.

This is the case of Sailfish having a genuine lack of features that have been on the contemporary OSes for a decade now. Features that Meego had, even. Seems very backwards to me.


I also still use my MD. I have hand-rolled white albums of concerts in squats that I only have on MD (too much data!). Squat punk beer survival kit. It’s just one of the things that my GF and I have in common. But somehow seems fundamental!

EDIT: I also ONLY buy vinyl. I also make mix tapes on chromium dioxide tapes. I enjoy soldering. With lead, especially. I am so old. Hah!


Just to flesh it out, what phone? The XA2?

Thank you for your clear words.

Never seen such an honest and revealing post here: Sailfish is not for ordinary users. Because you are Regular, we have to take this seriously. I never whined about costs and that was not te main subject of this thread either. Instead, I proposed to let us pay yearly in order to get a stable OS. That’s not going to happen. Asking for stability/reliability is not so bad. Actually it is normal. Instead of judging, try to help people who struggle with the OS. Who is going to create a manual for new users? A list of things we can do with it? If you don’t know someone who uses the OS and if you are not a dev, you are walking in the dark. So let the experienced give some light.


At least change the title - “Nothing hardly works” means that everything works well.
I just like grammatical correctness …


Negative concordance ≠ double negation. Language ≠ classical logic.

(My language can split a negative over four words, or even more if you’re really frustrated.)

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But written language directed to widely mixed company calls for a minimal level of classical logic. Some people might be using translator apps, and then it will make even less sense than it already does…

“nothing hardly works” = “not one thing is having any trouble to function as intended”

(I almost hesitated to reply, until I realized that there’s no topic here, so no fear of off-topic)


It sounds like a cheap excuse to me.
If Jolla would tell us honestly they have low resources (both financial and manpower) so they have a slow development pace, that would be okay.
Being corporation software - if this is the case - shouldn’t mean low quality and missing basic features. It doesn’t make much sense to me.
On the other hand it’s not an excuse for the lack of proper communication from Jolla. There is no official standpoint wether SFOS is really a coprorate OS or not in the first place. And they sell Sailfish X as an end user software just like how Microsoft sells Windows for basically everyone without targeting a specific user group.
Sailfish OS is a general purpose OS which means it should cover basic functionality.
What we actually lack is a for profit company that would preinstall Sailfish to their device then fill up the thing with 1st party apps in a similar way how phone makers fill up Android for their devices.
But since we don’t have any company like that we can only rely on Jolla bringing apps to fill these gaps, which - for whatever reason - they unable to fulfill at this time.

So in a normal world Jolla shouldn’t have to worry about these, because there would be phone manufacturers who would provide end user apps so Jolla could fully focus on providing the OS and only that.
When I complaining about missing features I really care not to wish anything that is entirely depended on 3rd party. Like I fully understand we don’t have for example an official Spotify client since they don’t care about us. Okay, it’s not Jolla’s task to solve this. However what is Jolla’s task is to bring an up to date browser, what they don’t do. It’s not Jolla’s task to bring internet bank to the OS, but they should bring a 1st party app for wallet, since this is a key feature in these days, and I do think 1st party for critical apps like this would increase reliability a lot, comparing to a 3rd party solution.


no, there are definitely bugs and nothing wrong with the updates. As mentioned before the guys that came from Nokia brought also their bad habbit to not fully test and release buggy software.
This is the real problem.
If you do not hit any of the bugs reported here, you must have exceptional use cases or another version of SFOS.


Wow. Apparently nothing has changed. As a user of the JP1 and up, I stopped at the XA2 and after a few frustrations I continue to use it as a second phone with For my purpose and requirements, this is the best combination and mostly bug-free. After a long time I come back to this forum and am amazed that such posts as read here still exist. Whatever, my daily driver has been running with UT for months and I appreciate the branches developer, testing and stable including short update cycles. I can decide whether I want to test or better just have fun.

Jolla should finally do that too. I’m just too old to hang out in forums and solve bugs using a terminal. There is still life besides the phone.

5 cents from an old man who has no more time to waste.