Install Direction for Sony 10 III

Install Direction for Sony 10 III

Just confused about the install direction… my 10-3 has android 13 on it. Do I need to run that Emma flashing software as instructed by the install directions.

So me this is not clear (installing from a windblows pc)

I am not understanding why I would Flash a phone with android if it already has android.

Thanks in advance

This has been asked many times before. Use search. Just follow the instructions.

In this link you will find the baseband versions used by Jolla when testing Sailfish port and Android 13 is a no:

May be it has been asked before but it needs to be addressed in the documentation.

Replies like yours are not helpful. The very fact that you came in to the question to give this unhelpful reply that it has been asked many times is indication that someone somewhere needs to update the documentation.

I love how companies claim they have listened to us and our concerns and claim thats why tht remove a beloved feature or option from something that literally no one asked them to do…

But things that do get asked about alot get ignored and the common refrain is that some like you leave a common and unhelpful response like you did.

Thanks for noting. Now go fix the documentation if you want to be helpful tomthe community.

No one wants to mess up a working phone. So we something that does against the documentation people should feel free to ask. If a reply is to read through old outdated comments to find something that sould be updated… Thats not helpful.

Just advocating for people that are new to the 10-3 that dont want to brick their phones due tompoor documentation


Thank you.

So,let me ask…what is flashing the phone? Reading thru them documents we are doing this down grade because Saildish was built at the time to work with that software package that was on the phone at the time?

I am not all that technical when it comes to phone tech like this. Just trying to understand why I am being instructed to do a thing vs doing it blindly because its written down on some old documents.

I guess Flash just empties all of the sony stuff from the phone Im guessing? Is this why we have to do this step vs loading sailfish on the phone like simply installing it like a software program on a computer.

Thank you kindly for your helpful reply

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It is not reasonable to expect the documentation to explain away every possible question the users may have. The reasonable expectation is that it is correct and robust against common misunderstandings. Both of which i think it is.

So the update would in that case be something like “yes, really” or “still valid as of today”. I don’t think that is reasonable. I.e. nothing to fix.

What is the relevance here?

Not that i fully understand this broken sentence; but what documentation pieces do you mean are contradictory?

I don’t see anything that needs updating. Why do you think it does?

Maybe then you also cannot expect to understand everything.

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In this specific case (Xperia 10 III with Android 13): No (only in this case contrary to Jolla’s statement)

See the FSO thread “Android 13 and SailfishOS on xperia 10 III”. For a summary of aforementioned thread and install directions see my guide “Installing SailfishX on Xperias”.

Note that you might better use the Sony’s software binaries for Android 12 (i.e. SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_12_4.19_v2a_lena, explicitly v2a as later versions apparently do not work) for flashing SailfishOS on an Android 12 or 13 base on a Xperia 10 III, also in this very special case contrary to Jolla’s advice. You can easily reflash Sony’s software binaries at any time when SailfishOS is already installed (in contrast to the Android base).

If really (contrary to the experience of others) something does not work, you can still backup the whole SailfishOS installation and downgrade with Emma to Android 11, then upgrade via OTA to the last Android 12 for the Xperia 10 III.

P.S.: As attah correctly pointed out, all this information is already covered in this forum, that is what it is for! You just opened another thread with the same questions, making it harder to find the correct information due to these many duplicate threads. Please do stop this.


I got my 10 III from warranty repair (new mainboard) with latest Android 13 on it. I didn’t bother to downgrade, and so far it’s been working fine (with SFOS restored from a dd-made image of rootfs and home partitions).


Thank you so very much!!

Thank you for the point by point take down…
Not to gum up the thread too much… the relevance was that we always hear that tired line from tech groups about listening to customers and then doing something they claimed customers asked for when in fact they do not. Jolla probably should update the documentation.

In the replies alone we see different points of views and experiences. When told that this question has been asked lots of times… that indicates there is a problem. A problem that could be fixed by up to date documentation. So that was the relevance … hope that helps.

To assume people have not done their diligence is a bad look. Most times the first thing we do is search and search. Thankfully nicer people took time out to answer and point to resources that where missed in the initial search.

Smart people in this community is what makes the community great. Not Smart A–s. Thanks for all the help. I have a better understand of my path forward as I journey from my XA2 to this 10-3. Thank you.

Nothing to be saved from this thread anyway, so might as well continue.

The problem with your post is that the documentation is up to date. Or at least from what i can see - and you haven’t pointed to any part that isn’t. If you disagree - please link and quote it! If you don’t, please stop claiming the documentation is not up to date.

I really do have quite limited sympathy for people purely wishing they didn’t have to do what the instructions say.

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Its not that important. The kind peolple in the community have pointed me in a direction and If I am brave enough. i will try to add sailfish. if I am not brave enough and in fear of busting up this phone. I will not.

I did not realize I could use an android phone without signing into google. SomNo Information is being stolen so Im kinda okay at the moment.

Need to read more but I am now leaning to not wanting to mess up a working device.

Things were a little more straightforward with the X2A… not so much with the 10-3

It is important, otherwise your activity is forum polluting only.

No, it is straightforward, just follow instruction. It is advertised to use strict version because that is the only setup that was tested thoroughly and can be advertised by Jolla. Shouldn’t you follow instruction you are loosing right to complain if anything goes wrong.

Hi not sure your point. Questions about a process is not pollution. If thats was truly the case, every topic on this place would be trash by your metric. So that is a silly statement by you.

What is pollution is this back and forth about why questions should not be asked. I did not see in the forum rules and bylaws that Questions about a process shall not be tolerated .

Please might I suggest dieect messages if you want to continue this trash talk. We can take this nonsense offline.

As for your subjective opinion about what is straightforward… that is your opinion, thanks for sharing mate.

BUT Clearly the number of questions raised on this topic about how or what we should do when Installing themOS, it is NOT.

As pointed out by the useless reply that these type of questions have been asked many times. So honestly what are you even on about?

Please if you wish to continue direct message me , we can fight like children there.

Anyone know of a good video of this process being done?

The Directions for back are saying you need to do this with a linux machine?
So I dont have one of those. So I am guessing I can’t back up the phone before attempting this?

Also if you don’t mind… what is Flashing and why and I flashing the phone to put the other is on there?

Can this be skipped?

No, but IIRC there were some: Please (specifically and in general) search for yourself first, before asking overly broad questions.

E.g. if you start following Jolla’s installation guide and run into an issue, have searched for extant postings on that issue and maybe also watched videos showing the installation process, just stop there and ask for help in this forum with a concise description of that issue and what information you have gathered so far (in your own words, because often issues arise from misunderstandings or misconceptions).

Not really; they are just utilising Linux commands. As I have not used a Windows privately for the past 20 years, I cannot tell, if one can execute these commands under WSL.

Also if you don’t mind…

I do mind, because the strategy of “asking before searching and thinking” is getting on my (and others) nerves.

what is Flashing and why and I flashing the phone to put the other is on there?

  1. Do use a internet search engine for “researching” such basic things as “what is Flashing?”.
  2. Please reread your postings and correct them if necessary: For me this is incomprehensible gibberish.

Can this be skipped?



Man some of you guys are something… I have searched the forums and the web a good bit. IF you mind don’t answer that is your choice. Not everyone has the same level of knowledge or background as lets say you. So reading things you don’t understand you naturally ask a question.

If you have a problem and you do… it called rudeness … I an sorry you can’t deal.
This is a flipping tiny community. We are all taking on a challenge and supporting this team with the hopes they can build a product that works off the shelf…

There is a lot of ambiguity in the years of information on this forum. You know this … Readers learn this Asking for clarity should not be an issues unless you are some tech snob.

Finally there is no where any any documentation here Jolla say noobs should not try. They do warn this is a process. But if we can’t ask for clarity here with in our community then where.

One thing is certain we don’t need fools running people off with bad attitudes … This is not Stack Overflow or Stack exchange.

I have searched the forums and the web a good bit.

… but never pointed to any specific statement of what you supposedly read and failed to understand. Why?

So reading things you don’t understand you naturally ask a question.

Do you realise, that you have not asked a single question in this whole thread?
You only complained … very elaborately, in many postings here and in other discussion threads.

In all postings I read from you, I only came across a single question: “Can someone install SailfishOS on my Xperia 10 III for me?”

If you have a problem and you do… it called rudeness

Ad hominem attacks will not alleviate your issues. I offered help, if you manage to ask anything specific. Obviously you cannot and rather resort to personal attacks and trying to tell me that I have a problem, only because I frankly point out the issues your posts exhibit.

Hence please re-consider who of us is rude here. You may also re-consider who is showing to have a problem: I do manage the technicalities of a SailfishOS installation and even write and maintain guides to help others with this; I also have no issue at all to ask concise questions or make comprehensive statements.

Please also realise that it is implicitly abusing this forum, hence quite rude, to write pages of broad complaints without addressing anything specific (e.g. Nothing hardly works): This does neither help you nor anybody else reading your posts, and makes it impossible to support you.

Ultimately, IMO it is only you who stands in your way.
Thus I suggest not to resort to trying to put blame on others.


Thank you. You have made you point. Let’s end the drama now.
Take care.